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1;OUTLINE;Introduction;OPNET Environment;Project Editor;OPNET Modeler-Project Editor;Node Editor;Node Editor;进程. A module that represents the most general building block of node models. The behavior of a processor can be completely specified by the user and its links can be arbitrarily connected to other modules.;Statistic wire统计线. A connection between modules that conveys numeric values between devices or processes in the same node. Statistic wires are primarily used to allow processes to monitor changes in state and performance of the devices that make up a node, and to create a simple signaling mechanism between processes.;Transmitters发射器: the outbound interface between packet streams inside a node and communications links outside the node.;Process Editor;Process Editor;创建状态: 在该进程模型中创建一个新的状态。;State Variables Block: Defines variables that retain their value from one process invocation to the next.;Diagnostic Block: Defines C/C++ statements that send diagnostic information to the standard output device.;;Process Model - States;Process Model -Forced States;Process Model - Unforced States;Process Model - Unforced States;Process Model - State Connections;Process Model - Process Model Example;;Event List;;Event List - Interrupts;Event List - The Simulation Kernel;;Event List-Concepts Reviewed ;Event List-Delivery of Interrupts;Event List- The Simulation Kernel and Processes;Event List- Simulation Termination;Event List- How Does Time Advance?;Event List Example;Event List Example;Event List Example -The BEGSIM Interrupt;The begsim intrpt attribute for gen and queue is enabled; this places two events on the event list.;Event List Example - Processing the First Interrupt;Event List Example - Starting the Simulation;Process model;4. Process invokes and completes the enter execs of Init. 5. Because Init is a forced (green) state, process immediately invokes and completes the exit execs. 6. Process evaluates all condition statements. This state has only one depar


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