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《国际关系概论》 第五节 综合国力与霸权轮替 本节主要内容 1、实力与权力 2、综合国力 3、大国崛起 一、实力与权力 (一)实力与权力的定义 Power具有双重含义:实力指自己做事的能力;权力指使别国做事的能力。 权力以个人或团体之间存在关系为前提(人、组织、国家等)。主权平等指各国在维护主权方面拥有相同的国际法权力。 权力(金钱)既是手段也是目的。 Power权力: the ability to overcome obstacles and influence outcomes (W.P.m.c). Power权力: the factors that enable one state to coerce another; to realists, arms and military capabilities are the most important factors in determining which rival state will win a dispute (W.P.t.t). Soft power软权力: the ability to exercise influence through attraction, as opposed to coercion. (W.P.m.c). Soft power软权力: the ability to exercise influence in world politics due to intangible resources such as moral authority and international respect for a state’s culture, ideals, and institutions, as opposed to methods that rely on military might (W.P.t.t);the capacity to co-opt through such intangible factors as the popularity of a state’s values and institutions ,as opposed to the ‘hard power’ to coerce through military might (W.P.t.t). Coercive power强制力: the use of threats and punishment to force the target to alter its behavior (W.P.t.t) Power potential权力潜能: the capabilities or resources held by a state that are considered necessary to its asserting influence over others. (W.P.t.t) Balance of power权力平衡理论: The theory that peace and stability are most likely to be maintained when military power is distributed to prevent a single hegemon or bloc from controlling the world (W.P.t.t). (二)不同时代争夺不同的权力 狩猎社会:草场权;农业社会:地权;工业社会:资源控制权;知识社会:规则制定权。 军事控制权:战略要地 ? 海上通道 ? 制空权 ? 制天权。 权力重要性的转变源于科技进步。利益和权力的内容主要由技术决定。 (三)绝对实力与相对实力 实力概念与关系无关(美国:博次瓦纳) 绝对实力:既定时点的一国实力的绝对量,通常用于自我纵向比较。 相对实力:本国与他国绝对实力之比。相对实力的等级是国际地位。 权力?实力地位=实力+关系(美国对韩国的权力大于美国对朝鲜的权力) (四)实力不平衡发展规律 实力不平衡发展是自然规律,进化速度长期慢于环境变化速度的国家趋于消亡 绝对实力与相对实力的程度变化是不间断的,性质变化是阶段性的。原因:1、科学技术不断进步;2、国家政策和策略是不断调整;3、各国的变化不同步。4、…… 二、综合国力 (一)综合国力的构成要素 综合国力:comprehensive national power ,overall national strength 资源性实力intangible power : 具体包括人口数量、领土规模、自然资源、军队实力、经济


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