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? 主语情况 谓语 例句 语法一致原则 1.单数名词、非谓语动词、短语或从句作主语。 单数 A sheep eats? grass. To work hard? is necessary. What he said? was wrong. 2.用and 或both…and 连接的并列主语。 复数 He and I were classmates at that time. Both bread and butter are sold out . 3.用and 连接的并列主语如指的同是一个人,同一事物(and 后的名词没有冠词)或主语前分别有each, everybody, nobody等作主语时。 单数 The girls teacher and friend is? young . Bread and butter(=the bread with butter on it) is daily food in the west . Every boy and every girl has the right to receive education . 4.不定代词either, neither, each, noone, the other, another, anyone, someone, something, everybody, everything, nobody等作主语时。 单数 Each of the girls has? an apple . Somebody is? waiting for you at the gate . Everything around us is? matter. 5.主语是单数时,尽管后面跟有but, except, besides, as well as, with, like, 等连接的其它名词。 单数 She as well as her friends? likes this film . My sister, like you and Tom, is very clever . 6.由a lot of / lots of / plenty of + 名词或分数/百分数+名词作主语时,视名词的数而定。 单数复数 Three- fifths of? the water is? dirty . 30 percent of? them are? against the plan . 意义一致原则 1.表示总称意义的名词,people, police等作主语时。 复数 People are talking about the news . The police haven’t arrived. 2.有些集体名词family, class, group, team等作主语时,若作一整体看,谓语用单数,若视为每一个成员,谓语用复数。 视具体情况而定 His family has moved to Shanghai . His family are all fond of music . Their class is very big . The class are waiting for a new teacher . 3.Who , what , which , all , more , most , some , any , half , none , the rest等作主语 视情况而定 Who is a doctor ? Who are league members? Most of them are young men. Most of the water is dirty . 4.表示时间、距离、重量、数字、钱等的复数名词作整体看待时。 单数 Thirty years is not a long time. Five dollars is quite enough . 5.以ics 结尾的科学名词如politics. maths及news属形复意单名词,及书报名,国名等复数名词作主语。 单数 Physics seems to be difficult to me . The United States is a developed country. 就近一致辞原则 1.用or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also 等连接的并列主语。 与靠近的主语一致 Either? you? or I am? wrong . Not only? we? but also the teachers are? wrong . 2.由there或here引起的句子,主语又不止一个,其谓语动词通常和邻


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