【经典美国高中物理教材】Physics Principles and Problems(Chapter 14 Vibrations and Waves).pdf

【经典美国高中物理教材】Physics Principles and Problems(Chapter 14 Vibrations and Waves).pdf

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【经典美国高中物理教材】Physics Principles and Problems(Chapter 14 Vibrations and Waves)

What You’ll Learn • You will examine vibrational motion and learn how it relates to waves. • You will determine how waves transfer energy. • You will describe wave behavior and discuss its practical significance. Why It’s Important Knowledge of the behavior of vibrations and waves is essential to the understanding of resonance and how safe buildings and bridges are built, as well as how communications through radio and television are achieved. “Galloping Gertie” Shortly after it was opened to traffic, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge near Tacoma, Washington, began to vibrate whenever the wind blew (see inset). One day, the oscillations became so large that the bridge broke apart and collapsed into the water below. Think About This How could a light wind cause the bridge in the inset photo to vibrate with such large waves that it eventually collapsed? 374 Michael T. Sedam/CORBIS, (inset)CORBIS How do waves behave in a coiled spring? Question How do pulses that are sent down a coiled spring behave when the other end of the spring is stationary? Procedure Analysis 1. Stretch out a coiled spiral spring, but do not What happens to the pulses as they travel overstretch it. One person should hold one through the spring? What happens as they end still, while the other person generates a hit the end of the spring? How did the pulse in sideways pulse in the spring. Observe the step 1 compare to that generated in ste


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