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201 1年12月 铁道工程学报 Deeember 2011 增刊 JOURNAL OF RAILWAY ENCINEERING SOCIETY Supplement文章编号:1006—2106(2011)增刊1—00“一05 在掘进过程中更换盾构机盾尾刷技术 张伟料 (中铁十四局集团有限公司,济南250002) 摘要:土压平衡式盾构机盾尾刷为钢丝毛刷,掘进时会受到管片的挤压,在掘进一定距离之后,会受到不同程 度的挤压、磨损,甚至被砂浆固结,失去密封作用,地下泥水、注入的砂浆会通过盾尾间隙流入盾体,不但给盾 构掘进工作带来不便,还不能保证注浆量。造成脱出盾尾的管片位移变形、地层下沉。盾尾刷损坏严重时必须 更换。在广州地铁五号线【西场一草暖公园】盾构区间两次成功更换盾构机尾刷的方法,解决了施工中更换盾 尾刷的技术难题,对解决类似问题有一定的借鉴作用。 关键词:盾构机;盾尾刷;盾尾间隙;管片;更换;同步注浆 中图分类号:U231.3 文献标识码:ATechnology of the Replacement of Tail Brush of Shield Machine while,n ’‘’1。unnelin2ZHANG Wei(China Railway Shisiju 14th Bureau Group Co.Ltd,Jinan,Shandong 250002,China)Abstract:The tail brush of the shield machine with the balance of soil pressure is made of steel wire and itwill be squeezed by the segment in the progress of tunneling.Tunnelling for some distances,the tail brush willbe worn or even be consolidated by mortar because of the squeeze.Worse more,the tail brush may lose it??function of sealing and the mortar and undergrad mud will flow into the end of the shield body through thegap.This will to not only bring about the inconvenience shield tunneling.but also the grouting quantit)r can notbe ensured,consequently resulting in displacement or deformation of the segment which is prolapsed from theshield boay and sinking of the formation.ne tail brush must be replaced when it is seriously damaged.netail brush was successfully replaced twice while tunneling in the section from West Park Field to Caonuan Parkof the Line 5 of Guangzhou metro.,11lis successful replacing the tail brush solves the technical problem ofreplacing shield brush during construction process and provides the reference to solve the similar problems.Key words:shield machine;tail brush;tail gap;segment;replacement;synchro grouting 延米;盾构隧道,盾构隧道右线里程为YDK4+970.1工程概况 800~YDK7+659.000,长度为2425.0单线延米;左线1.1工程地理位置与概况 里程为ZDK4+970.800~ZDK7+657.260,长度为 【西场—草暖公园】盾构工程施工场地布置在环 2489.1 95单线延米。盾构隧道通过广州火车站和西村市西路与解放北路交叉附近的草暖公园内。盾构工程 站,最后到达西场站吊出。区间主要构筑物为地下停主要包括东、西两个盾构井和轨排井;联络通道及废 车库、地下商场、人行天桥、桩基


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