导游英语情景口语Item 12-4 玉器文化.ppt

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导游英语情景口语Item 12-4 玉器文化

Model 4: Jade Culture 玉器文化 Words and Phrases Neolithic DJ adj. 新石器时代的。 archeologist n. 考古学家。 excavate v. 开凿,挖掘。 worship v. 崇拜,仰慕。 Preserve v. 保存,防腐;保留。 exceed v. 超过(限度、范围)。 merit n. 价值;优点。 dignity n. 威严;高贵;体面。 utensil n. 器具。 accessory n. 零件,附件。 ritual adj. 仪式的。 commodity n. 〔常 pl.〕日用品。 boom v. (物价等)暴涨,繁荣。 bestow v. 给与,授,赠,赐。 Useful Expressions: 1. Chinese first began to know and use jade in the early Neolithic period (about 5000 BC) according to archeologists and archeological findings. 根据历史学家与历史学研究发现中国最早于新石器时代早期(公元前5000左右)开始用玉。 2. Although other materials like gold, silver and bronze were also used, none of these have ever exceeded the spiritual position that jade has acquired in peoples’ minds. 尽管也有使用金银铜等金属,但却没有一种金属可以取代玉在人们心目中的地位。 3. Until the Shang and Zhou dynasties, jade wares had been developed into tools, weapons, daily utensils, accessories and ritual utensils. 到了商周时期,玉已经被用来制造工具,武器,日用品,配饰和祭祀用品。 4. For thousands of years till now, jade was and is a symbol of love and virtue as well as a status symbol. 数千年来玉一直是爱,美德与地位的象征。 Listen and Answer 1. When did Chinese begin to use jade? In the early Neolithic period (about 5000 BC). 2. Where did the Yangshao culture mainly located in? At the Tai lake 3. Why did jade be used in tomb? Because jade was thought to preserve the body after death. 4. Why the gold, silver and bronze can not exceed the spiritual position that jade has acquired in peoples’ minds? Because jade is associated with merit, morality, grace and dignity. 5. What did the jade happen in Shang and Zhou dynasties? Jade wares had been developed into tools, weapons, daily utensils, accessories and ritual utensils. * * *


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