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Robin Hood by Sally M. Stockton 1 / 24 otherk Contents Chapter 1: Robin Hood becomes an Outlaw 3 Chapter 2: Robin meets Little John 5 Chapter 3: Friar Tuck joins the Outlaws7 Chapter 4: Wanted: dead or alive! 9 Chapter 5: Robin meets Maid Marian 10 Chapter 6: The Sheriffs Ride 12 Chapter 7: The Silver Arrow 14 Chapter 8: Alan aDale 16 Chapter 9: A Stranger in the Forest 18 Track 1: The Crusades 20 Track 2: Who Were The Crusaders? 22 Track 3: King Richard, the Lionheart 23 Track 4: King John and the Magna Carta 24 2 / 24 otherk Chapter 1: Robin Hood becomes an Outlaw Robin Hood was born near the end of the 12th century. His real name was Robert. He was the son of the Earl① of Huntingdon. At that time, England had many problems. King Richard was away on a crusade② in the Holy Land③. He was away many years. His brother, John, became king. He was a cruel and greedy④ king. His men were arrogant⑤ and brutal⑥. The poor people of England suffered a lot. They paid very high taxes to King John and his sheriffs⑦. Many families died of hunger! One day, the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham killed Robins father, and took away his lands. Young Robin lost his father, his home, his lands and all his possessions. He escaped to Sherwood Forest with his loyal⑧ servants. They decided to live as free men in the forest. They didnt want to be slaves of King John. However, the King considered them outlaws. When Robin and his men reached Sherwood Forest, they sat down to rest. Robin Hood smiled at his loyal servants. Then he said to them,My friends, Sherwood Forest is our new home. Now we are free but we are outlaws. Everyone


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