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1. purchasing power of incomes收入的购买力 maximizetheir incomes = increase the purchasing power of incomes (同意替换) 2. property = real estate 土地,房地产(同意替换) Stockexchange证券交易所, venture investment风险投资 3. precision = accuracy精确的 4. Thinking ability = critical thinking =creative= innovation 5. reasoning = logical thought =thought推理,思考,理解 6. popular culture= common culture通俗文化 7. cultural power= assimilating power消化率,吸收力 8. more often than not = often 往往,多半 The decline of telephone is but all too natural in communication development. He more often than not comes here. (短语精讲) 9. prevent (同意替换)= hinder= refrain= deter(同意替换)阻止,阻碍,妨碍 翻译:他生病了所以没有去。 Illness prevented him from going there. 10. judge = Justice (必考含义)公正,审判员,法官 11. apprehension (必考含义) = worry担心,忧虑 apprehensiveability 理解能力 12. mind = people= individual (同意替换) 个人的 13. faith=confidence=assertiveness 信心(同意替换) 14. drug= medicine 药物,药剂 15. dismiss 斥责= rebuke=criticize 16. tap 开发 tap the market = explore themarket = expand the market开发市场,拓展市场 17. Verbally口头上的 18. entail =make= cause使产生 19. nature ;nurture/ born ; made /inherited继承 ;acquired/(先天和后天)innate (同意替换) cognitive/intuitive 直觉,认知 made/born 20. attribute= character=trait=merit=feature=virtue 特点;特质(同意替换) 21. complementary=auxiliary 互补的,辅助的(同意替换) 22. suits = enable (同意替换)= entail适用于,可能 23. visualize=imagine=conceive设想 24. mechanical = unchanged (同意替换)机械的,无改变的 Mechanical learning (短语搭配) Dynamic=changeable=variable; vary动态的,变化 Modify=change 25. distinction= fame (同意替换)(必考词义)声望,荣誉 26. implication ; connotation; suggestion; reference;(同意替换) 内涵,含义,涉及 carry important implications for(短语动词) 27. accumulation = expansion (同意替换)= augmentation扩大,增大, 28.literally = actually=absolutely (同意替换) 逐字地;照字面地;确实地,真正地;[口语]差不多,简直(用于加强语意) 29. initiatives=measures (同意替换)主动的,程度,测量 Initiatives =intention Initiative =active Initiative=primitive=beginning原始的 30.spontaneity = informal (同意替换)非正式的 craft=formal正式的 endeavor



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