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阅读强化练习九 Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Waiting List for Kindergartens put Manhattan Parents on Edge As a growing collection of Manhattan’s most celebrated public elementary schools notify neighborhood parents that their children have been placed on waiting lists for kindergarten slots, middle-class vitriol (刻薄话,辱骂之词) against the school system—and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg—is mounting. Parents are venting their frustrations in e-mail messages and phone calls to the mayor, local politicians and the schools chancellor, Joel I. Klein. Some plan a rally on the steps of City Hall for next Wednesday afternoon (“Kindergartners Are Not Refugees!” proclaims a flier), and some are taking it upon themselves to scour the city for potential classroom space. The outpouring of anger comes as state lawmakers consider whether to renew mayoral control of the city school system, which expires in two months, and Mr. Bloomberg is seeking a third term in part on his education record. “I got a call from Mayor Bloomberg’s campaign about yadda yadda yadda was I going to vote for him,” said Beth Levison, a documentary filmmaker whose son is No. 79 of 90 on a combined waiting list for Public School 41 and Public School 3, both in Greenwich Village. “As a parent who has a child with no place to go next year, no indication of where he’s going to go next year as a result of the mayor taking control of education, I said absolutely not.” “You would think that Bloomberg, who is a businessman, knows how to manage inventory like this,” Ms. Levison continued. “My kid isn’t just a bottle of vodka, but this is about inventory.” Assemblywoman Deborah J. Glick, whose district includes Greenwich Village, said it would not help the mayor’s cause to have the debate take place amid this “very tense circumstance.” “If people believe that the core mission is to have a seat in a local school where there is a reasonable class size,” she said, “people are goi


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