Atomic, nuclear and quantum physics - Welcome to Coeur …原子,核和量子物理学-欢迎来到圣心….doc

Atomic, nuclear and quantum physics - Welcome to Coeur …原子,核和量子物理学-欢迎来到圣心….doc

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Atomic, nuclear and quantum physics - Welcome to Coeur …原子,核和量子物理学-欢迎来到圣心…

6. ATOMIC,NUCLEAR QUANTUM PHYSICS ATOMIC AND QUANTUM PHYSICS (SECTIONS 6.1 - 6.7) ? 6.1. The atomic model ? During the 1800s the idea that all materia consists of atoms gradually gained support. Its fundamental particles are, as we today describe it, the electrically positive proton (p+) and neutral neutron (n) which both are ca 2000 times heavier than the negative electron (e-). The electrons occupy certain levels or shells outside the nucleus with the protons and neutrons. a01a ? Evidence for the idea that the positive charges in the atom are not spread evenly in it (the Thomson model) is given by the Geiger-Marsden (or Rutherford) experiment in which positive particles (alpha particles from decaying atoms = helium nuclei, see later) are aimed at a thin gold foil. The result is that most of them pass through the foil without changing direction, while some bounce back in almost the same direction as they came from. This can be compared to firing a machine gun at a fence made of solid iron bars with wide openings between them, as opposed to firing it against a wooden fence with no openings. ? ? a01b ? The radius of an atomic nucleus can be found by letting positive particles with a known kinetic energy be scattered (bounce from) the nuclei. The closest approach is found by equating their kinetic energy with the electrical potential difference they need to overcome: a01c ???????? Kinetic energy : Ek ???????? Potential far from nucleus: V1 = - kqnucleus / r1, where r1 0 and V1 ( 0. ???????? Potential at closest approach distance from center of nucleus = V2 = - kqnucleus / r2, where r2 = rnucleus . ???????? Potential difference = V1 - V2 = kqnucleus / rnucleus ? Work done against repulsive electrical field of nucleus = Ek = qparticle(V = k qparticle qnucleus / rnucleus ? = rnucleus = k qparticle qnucleus / Ek ? It can be found that the radius of the nucleus is far smaller (ca 10-14m) than the size of the whole atom (10-10m) which therefore can be compared to a so



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