Global entertainment and media outlook 2012–2016.doc

Global entertainment and media outlook 2012–2016.doc

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Global entertainment and media outlook 2012–2016

Global entertainment and media outlook 2012–2016 .pwc/outlookGlobal entertainment and media outlook2012–2016Industry overview13th annual editionJune 2012 Global entertainment and media outlook2012–2016Industry overview13th annual editionc??h years??偷?? l?ol扡 team of entertainment and media e硰erts e?nerates un扩ased??in??epth forecasts for 1??industry se?ments. June 2012Incorporatin朠data from ??principal re杩ons comprisin朠?? countries and areas around the world??Global entertainment and media outlook: 2012–2016 com扩nes deep knowlede? of local markets with 7a truly l?o扡l 2perspective靡 powerful tool for understandin朠1critical 扵siness issues.To learn more au扯t the challene?s and opportunities ahead for the entertainment and media industry??please visit pwc/e?? Global entertainment and media outlook??????防???偲epared and edited b??啳e o映Outlook datae?rmi獳ion to citePwC firms help organizations and individuals create the value they are lookin朠for. e? are a This document is provided y? 偷??for e?neral o? part of this pu扬ication may 扥 ec?erpted??network of firms in 158 countries with close to 杵idance only and does not constitute the reproduced? stored in a retrieval systemo??r 16??000 people who are committed to deliverin朠provision of lea?l advice??accountin朠services??distrit扵ed or transmitted in any form or y? u?ality in assurance??ta砠and advisory services.investment advice??or professional consultin朠any meansi?ncludine朠lectronicm??echanical? of any kind. The information provided photocopyin 本recordin 本or scannin林without 0?? d??ison v?enueherein should not 扥 used 6as a sut扳itute for the prior written permission of 偷??e?w o?rk 乙??1001?consultation with professional ta砬 accountin本 1?????????0??00e?u?ests should 扥 su扭itted in writin朠to lea?l??or other competent advisers. ??fore .pwc?adhika a?nda at radhika.nandak??.pwc makin朠any decision or takin朠any 4action??you outlinin朠the ec?erpts you wish to use??alon朠should consult a professional adviser who has with a draft copy of the f


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