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大学生恋爱观与人格类型的相关研究 摘 要 目的 探讨大学生的恋爱观状况会受到其恋爱经历及性别等因素的影响,以及常见的几种恋爱观类型与EPQ所测得人格类型存在的关系。方法 利用大学生恋爱观问卷及艾森克人格问卷进行大学生恋爱观与人格类型的研究。结果 、通过独立样本t检验,不同性别学生恋爱观总体状况上有显著差异(t=—3.05;p =0.04);性别与恋爱观的几个维度的独立样本t检验,发现依恋倾向维度上没有显著差异外(t=0.93,p =0.48),其它各维度差异均呈显著(p=0.00);学生恋爱观在总体上与其恋爱经历没有显著性差异(t=—0.48;p =0.68)、通过大学生恋爱观与人格类型的列联相关发现,稳定性维度与焦虑型的依恋倾向(r=0.80,p =0.00)、开放型的性行为(r=0.69,p =0.03)、EPQ测得的人格类型“外向不稳定型”与稳重型的恋爱观类型呈高相关;、“内向不稳定型”与顺从型的恋爱观类型呈高相关;(3)“外向稳定型”与自主型、天真型两种恋爱观类型呈高相关。 关键词 大学生 恋爱观 人格类型 A Study on College Student's Love Values and Their Relationship with Personalitv Types Abstract Oejective Discussed in love of college students is their love experience and the influence of factors such as gender and common type of several kinds of love, there is relationship with measured by EPQ personality type. Scale method is adopted to improve college students' love and personality type of research. Metholds By independent samples t test,I found that the students love, there are no significant difference in general and its related experience ( =-0.48; =0.68); significant difference in different gender students about the overall love values( =-3.05; =0.04);Sex and love, the dimensions of independent samples T test, found that there was no significant difference between attachment tendency of dimensions ( =0.93,p =0.48),Others were significantly different in each dimension ();Experience in love with love, a few dimensions of independent sample T test, significant differences was found only in love motivation dimensions ( =—2.84,p =0.01);Through college students' love and personality type of contingency found that stability of dimension and anxious attachment tendency .The open sexual behavior Orientation was significantly correlated ,and it has a high correlation ."Extroverted instability" type has significant correlation with the type of steady love values, "Not stable" introversion has high correlation with the submissive type of love values; "Stable" extroversion has high correlation wit


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