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Heaven-and-Human Oneness and Chinese Concept of Harmony;I. Heaven-and-Human Oneness;Etymological Meanings of Tian(天)and Ren(人);Even During Pre-Qin period(221B.C.), Chinese thinkers hold that man could communicate with heaven and understand heaven through understanding himself first as man’s nature is similar to that of heaven or man is endowed with certain nature by heaven;Perhaps ancient Chinese have evolved the most intimate relationship between man and nature, strongly believing that man’s relationship with heaven is harmonious, his relationship with the myriad things (万物Wanwu) in the universe is oneness; ;As a result of this mentality, traditional Chinese culture lacked the intense religious spirit like other nations in the world, though they did have their religions. ;Chinese live in the temperate zone with warm climate and fertile soil, suitable for farming, which made them confident that man’s survival had closely related with nature, enjoying her blessings while suffering her calamities at the same time.;“The action of Heaven is strong and dynamic. In the same manner, the noble man never ceases to strengthen himself.” --------- Book of Changes The noble man must follow the Way of Heaven, and be enterprising and striving forward instead of kneeling down before God.;Heaven and Human Oneness Expressed in Ancient Chinese Poetry;Cheng Hao(程颢), a philosopher, wrote a poem expressing his philosophical understanding of “Heaven and Human Oneness”: General Idea of His Poem He is completely at ease and never in a hurry; he sleeps until the sun rises, with sunshine penetrating his window; myriad things enjoy absolute freedom and man and nature are in complete harmony.;II. Chinese Concept of Harmony;“Myriad things came after the creation of heaven and earth; man and woman were brought forth after myriad things were produced, husband and wife were wedded after man and woman were created, farther and son came after the marriage between


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