传统与现代之间 犹太教改革及其对中国文化建设的借鉴意义.pdfVIP

传统与现代之间 犹太教改革及其对中国文化建设的借鉴意义.pdf

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传统与现代之间 犹太教改革及其对中国文化建设的借鉴意义

传统与现代之间:犹太教改革 及其对中国文化建设的借鉴意义 Between the Tradition and Modernity: Reform of Judaism and its Implication for the Building of the Chinese Culture 傅有德 Youde Fu 山东大学犹太教与跨宗教研究中心 Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies Shandong University China 北京大学以色列研讨会文集 摘 要:在传统和现代之间,犹太教改革采取了“兼顾彼此”的态度。其结果是在帮助犹 太人融入西方社会,实现现代化的同时,又存留了犹太教,进而保住了犹太人的族性。 犹太教的经验为中国人提供了有益的启示。其中主要的一点就是:经过革新的传统仍然 可以成为现代人的价值观。有鉴于此,中国人在传统和现代的抉择面前不应“非此即彼”, 而应该取道于两者之间,即在实现物质层面的现代化的同时,继承和革新以儒家为核心 的传统,使之成为中国人的精神安顿和族性。犹太人的经验之所以可被借鉴,乃因为当 代中国人和当年的犹太人面临类似的文化危机,面临同样的实现现代化和改革传统以保 存族性的双重任务。 关键词:传统与现代、犹太教改革、族性、儒教 Abstract: Reform of Judaism accounted for both Tradition and Modernity. As a result, the Jewish people not only successfully blended into the Western Society and realized the process of modernization, but also preserved Judaism and the Jewish identity as well. The experience of Judaism has sent Chinese people some enlightening messages, among which a chief one is that the reformed traditions can still serve as the values for modern people. In light of this, Chinese people should not make the exclusive “either-or”decisions when confronted with the choice between Tradition and Modernity, that is to say, we should promote modernization on the material level, while inheriting and reforming the Confucianism-centered traditions at the same time, in order that they may become the niche and identity of Chinese people. The experience of the Jewish people can be referred to because of fact that contemporary Chinese are facing a cultural crisis similar to that of the Jewish people in the past, that is, the same double task of modernization and the preservation of national identity by reforming Traditi


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