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yajunge@tjcu.edu.cn Warming up topics observation insight Mr. Huntsman On scoring final test Contract drafting in Chinese and English Open-book test 代理协议 协议编号:110506 被代理方:山东胜利油脂有限公司 代理方:John Partners 订立日期:2011年5月6日 Doc No 110506 Dated the 6th day of May 2011 Agency Agreement By and between Shandong Victory Edible Oil Co., Ltd. (“Principal”) And John Partners (“Agent”) 目 录 定义 代理事项 代理期限 费用及支付方式 声明与保证 履约担保 协议变更与终止 通知 违约责任 除外责任/不可抗力 适用法律 争议解决 份数和语言 协议可分割性 协议整体性 协议的生效 Table of contents Article 1 Definations Article 2 Subject matter Article 3 Term of contract Article 4 Remuneration /Contract value mode of payment Article 5 Representations and warranties Article 6 Performance bond Article7 Modification and termination Article 8 Notice Article 9 Breach of contract /Default/Damages/ Article 10 Exceptions/force majuere Article 11Governing law Article 12 Settlement of disputes Article 13 Languge Article 14 Severability Article 15 Entirety Article 16 Formation/Effectiveness 代理协议 被代理方:山东胜利油脂有限公司 法定地址: 法定代表人: 电话: 传真: 电子邮件: (以下简称“甲方”) 代理方:John Partners 法定地址: 首席合伙人: 电话: 传真: 电子邮件: (以下简称“乙方”) 甲、乙双方本着平等互利原则,经友好协商,就食用油商情报告相关事宜达成协议如下。 Agency Agreement This agreement is made and entered into the 6th day of May 2011 by and between Shandong Victory Edible Oil Co., Ltd., a company duly incorporated/registered and existing under the law of the People’s Republic of China, having its principal place of business at xxx and represented by xxx, /with sb as legal representative(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”) and John Partners, a law firm duly registered and existing under the law of the Kingdom of the Belgium, having its registered address at xxx, represented by xxx (“Party B”). Whereas Party A is soliciting business information concerning sales of edible oil products series in Belgian market; Party B has the capacity and interest to gather and provide the aforesaid information; Party A is willing to retain professional service of Party B Now therefore, for and


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