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Dynamics of Fluid Motion 一 Euler Equation of Motion 二 Bernoulli’s Equation 三 Bernoulli’s Equation for Streamtube 四 Momentum Equation 五 Moment of Momentum Equation 一 Euler Equation of Motion 1. Euler Equation * Consider a small element * Body force: * For ideal fluid: There are no shearing stresses. * Application of Newton’s second law in X direction Simplifying the equation above, we can obtain in a similar manner, we have Euler Equation Note that: ① Euler equation must apply at every point throughout the fluid. ② It is valid only for an ideal fluid. ③ It is applicable to both compressible and incompressible flow. 2. Euler Equation in Sreamline Coordinates (流线坐标) * Streamline ( Natural) Coordinates Streamline coordinate is usually confined to flows that can be specified by two coordinate directions. The coordinate direction s is along a streamline and is taken as positive in the direction of flow. The normal direction n is positive inward. The advantage of this system is that there is no velocity component in n direction, the velocity must be tangent to the streamline. ∴ 的分量形式可表达为: 加速度: 其中, * Consider a small element which is cylindrical tube with cross section dA and length dl. (l: an arbitrary direction in flow field) Application of Newton’s second law in l direction Now, pick the l direction as the streamline direction for a steady flow Let the l direction be n direction of streamline coordinates: for incompressible flow 分析:① 若流动发生在水平方向,得到: 上式说明:沿着压力降的方向上将有加速度产生,也就是说沿着等压线的方向上无加速度,如果有加速度的话,只可能发生在与等压线垂直的方向上。 ② 记 —— piezometric head(测压水头) 对于不可压缩流体: We may immediately note that there can be no acceleration along a line of constant piezometric head. The acceleration in general m


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