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第六章:语言技能 听、说、读、写语言技能是综合语言运用能力的重要基础 听和读是通过语言活动理解和吸收的技能,说和写是通过语言活动表达的技能 听和读:外部语言转换为内部语言 读和写:内部语言转换为外部语言 学习和运用英语的过程是: 信息传递 理解 吸收 分析和处理 交流 表达和展示 Integrated skills 将听说读写等技能糅合在一起进行综合训练,提高学生综合运用语言的能力 Steps to learning Bloom divides the verbs into six categories. All the verbs in a group indicate a kind of thinking skill needed to complete an assignment. The verbs denote what a student is to do. STEPS TO LEARNING 6 EVALUATION 5 SYNTHESIS 4 ANALYSIS 3 APPLICATION 2 COMPREHENSION 1 KNOWLEDGE 1. KNOWLEDGE define, fill in the blank, identify, label, list, locate, match, memorize, name, recall, spell, state, tell, underline… Students repeat, or memorize. When you memorize something, you only memorize it. If you don’t practice, you’ll lose 70% of it. Memorizing is not learning. 2. COMPREHENSION convert, describe, explain, interpret, paraphrase, put in order, restate, retell in your own words, rewrite… Rewrite in your own words, paraphrase 3. APPLICATION apply, conclude, demonstrate, determine, draw, find out, give an example, illustrate, make, show… Give an example 4. ANALYSIS analyze, classify, compare, debate, differentiate, distinguish, examine, infer, specify, debate… Debate 5. SYNTHESIS change, combine, compose, construct, create, design, generate, invent, originate, plan, predict, pretend, produce, rearrange… Write a paper 6. EVALUATION appreciate, choose, compare, conclude, decide, defend, evaluate, give your opinion, judge, justify, rank, rate, value… Oh, goodness! Yes, I get it! 第一节-----阅读教与学 第二节-----口语教与学 第三节-----写作教与学 第四节----- 听力教与学 第一节-----阅读教与学 一、课程标准阅读部分解读 三级: 朗读、 书面指令、大意、工具书 4万词以上(不包含教科书) 四级:朗读、说明文和信件等应用文体、 大意、猜词(上下文)、图表、事件 顺序和人物行为、工具书 10万词以上(不包含教科书) 五级:猜测词义(上下文和构词法)、篇章结构 中的逻辑关系、主题情节与预测、常见体 裁、简单策略运用、工具书 15万词以上 新课程标准阅读部分解读(2) 六级:摄取主要信息和观点、猜词(上下 文与构词法)、推理预测故事情节的


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