AOAC 996.06 Fat in Food鱼油的检测方法1.pdf

AOAC 996.06 Fat in Food鱼油的检测方法1.pdf

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AOAC 996.06 Fat in Food鱼油的检测方法1

41.1.28A C. Reagents AOAC Official Method 996.06 (a) Pyrogallic acid. Fat (To tal, Sat u rated, and Un sat u rated) (b) Hy dro chlo ric acid.—12 and 8.3M. To make 8.3M HCl, add in Foods 250 mL 12M HCl to 110 mL H O. Mix well. Store at room 2 Hydrolytic Ex trac tion Gas Chro mato graphic Method tem per a ture (20–25C). First Action 1996 (c) Am mo nium hy drox ide.—58% (w/w). Re vised 2001 (d) Di ethyl ether.—Pu rity ap pro pri ate for fat ex trac tion. (Ap pli ca ble to de ter mi na tion of fat in foods.) (e) Pe tro leum ether.—An hy drous. Cau tion: Boron trifluoride may be fatal if inhaled. (f) Eth a nol.—95% (v/v). (g) To lu ene.—Nanograde. See Tables 996.06A–C for the results of the interlaboratory study (h) Chlo ro form. sup port ing ac cep tance of the method. (i) So dium sul fate.—An hy drous. A. Prin ci ple (j) Bo ron tri fluor ide reagent.—7% BF (w/w) in met


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