Unit 2 英语句子翻译技巧_PPT课件.ppt

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Unit 2 英语句子翻译技巧_PPT课件.ppt

英语句子翻译技巧;Contents;1.运用对应句型;2)All disputes arising in connection with this Sales Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled amicably through negotiation. 凡因执行本合约或有关本合约所发生的一切争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决。 3)The main role of our office is to carry out market research, collect business information and give information to potential clients about our products. 我们代表处的主要任务是进行市场调查,收集商业信息,向潜在的客户介绍我们的产品。;2.分句法;1)Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, a universally accepted law. 能量既不能被创造,也不能被消灭,这是一条普遍公认的规律。 2)We are disappointed at the buyers’ disregard for proper international trading rules. 买主无视正当的国际贸易法则,对此我们很失望。;2)The sales letter is a form of advertising. It aims to sell particular kinds of goods or services to selected types of customers. 推销信件是一种广告宣传,其目的在于销售特定货物或为特定客户提供服务。 3)I will appreciate your letting me know whether you will be able to come. 如能告知是否光临,甚为感谢。 ;4)We wish we could lower our price but unfortunately we cannot do so. 我们也希望再降低价格,但很遗憾,实在无能为力了。 5)We hope this will go smoothly and you are able to conclude the contract soon. 希望一切顺利,并速签合同。;4.被动语态的译法;2)A market is commonly thought of as a place where commodities are bought and sold. 市场通常被认为是买卖货物的地方。 3)The company was forbidden from using false advertising. 这家公司被禁止使用虚假的广告。 4)Last year the region was visited by the worst drought in 60 years. 去年该地区遭受到60年来最严重的旱灾。;4.2译成主动句;2)But he warns that if it is proved that the Air Force unfairly favored Boeing, the contract should be reopened for new bidders. 但是他警告说,如果有证据表明空军在这项交易中不公正地偏向了波音公司,该合同就应该对新的竞标者开放。 3)And that the letter of credit can’t be cancelled before the expiry date? 而且信用证在期满前不得撤销,对吗?;4)Profound friendship has been established between our two peoples. 我们两国人民已经建立起深厚的友谊。 5)Your firm has been recommended to us by Coventry Chamber of Commerce. 承蒙考文垂商会推荐,得知贵号行名。 6)The importance of design is not always recognized in persuading consumers to make their mind to buy a product. 产品的包装设计能促使消费者做出购买决定,但人们并不总会意识到它的重要性。;4.3译成无主句;1) This is particularly important when spare parts h



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