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At age 36, Cooper moved his family to Europe. While overseas, he continued to write. At age 42, he entered the lists as a political writer. At the age of 63,he died. He was one of the first authors to write about the American Westward movement. “The father of American novels.” Beginning of his literary career: a challenge from his wife Precaution戒备(1820, his first novel, imitating Austen’s Pride and Prejudice) In 1819 Cooper was reading a recently published novel to his wife, and finding it so poorly done, cast it aside and claimed he could do better. His wife laughed at his declaration. James Fenimore Cooper Major works: The Spy (1821) 《间谍》 The Pilot (1824) 《舵手》 The Leather stocking Tales (1823~1841)皮袜子故事集 The Pioneers (1823), 《拓荒者》 The Last of the Mohicans (1826), 《最后的莫西干人》 The Prairie (1827), 《大草原》 The Pathfinder (1840), 《探路人》 The Deerslayer (1841). 《杀鹿者》 James Fenimore Cooper Three types of novels he launched: Revolutionary historical novel: The Spy; Frontier novel: The Pioneers; Sea adventure novel: The Pilot. Major themes: Antithesis between nature and civilization; Antithesis between freedom and law; Antithesis between individual and society; Conflict between cultures. The Spy Sea adventures (i) wrote a series of sea adventures starting from The Pilot (1824) a genuine American sea tale about the exploits of John Paul Jones. The Last of the Mohicans Masterpiece of native American literature of its age. The American-type hero: Hawkeye, the Mohicans Masterpiece of frontier adventures. The Last of the Mohicans conclusion Seven “firsts”: 1. The first successful American historical romance (The Spy, 1821). 2. The first sea novel (The Pilot, 1824). 3. The first attempt at a fully researched historical novel (Lionel Lincoln, 1825).《莱昂内尔·林肯》 4. The first full-scale History of the Navy of the United States of America (1839). Seve


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