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游戏涉及中国城镇地图、现代汉语词典第5版、中国地理历史文化知识 我的游戏名字叫做我要去北京。 My game called I want to go to Beijing 此创作我认为不仅达到很好的娱乐效果、而且还可以让人们学习更多的中国文化知识。 This writing I think not only achieve very good entertainment effect, but also can help people to learn more knowledge of Chinese culture. 对中国城市所在地也会更加了解。 On Chinese city location will be more understanding. 游戏玩法: Game play: 四个玩家开局 The four game player start 系统给出字体拆开的部分(多个),玩家用这些拼出一个字。限时6秒。 The system gives the fonts apart part of ( multiple ), game player with these spell out a word. In 6 seconds. 超过6秒未选出字则被淘汰扣除36张卡,淘汰出局。 For more than 6 seconds without selected words were eliminated after 36 cards,Eliminated. 系统自动给出带此字的乡村名字(多个)。 The system automatically gives the word country name ( more). 玩家从中选择一个,并标注汉语拼音,限时10秒。 Game player choose one, and mark the Chinese phonetic alphabet.Limit the time of 10 seconds. 拼音标注不正确,扣除30张卡,淘汰出局。 Phonetic annotation is not correct, deduct 30 cards, eliminated. 玩家从所选村庄出发前往乡镇,玩家要通过比较简单的迷宫。 Game player from the selected villages go to villages and towns, through relatively simple maze game player. 限制时间90秒,通不过扣除24张卡。淘汰出局。 Limit the time of 90 seconds, pass the deduction of 24 cards. Eliminated. 剩下的玩家可以从乡镇去县城,玩家通过比较一般的迷宫。 The rest of the game player from the town to the county, through the comparison of the maze game player. 限制时间90秒,通不过扣除18张卡。淘汰出局。 Limit the time of 90 seconds, pass the deduction of 18 cards. Eliminated. 剩下的玩家可以从县城去城市,玩家通过比较困难的迷宫。 The rest of the game player from county to city, through difficult maze game player. 限制时间90秒,通不过扣除12张卡。淘汰出局。 Limit the time of 90 seconds, pass the deduction of 12 cards. Eliminated. 剩下的玩家可以从城市去省会,玩家通过困难的迷宫。 The rest of the game player from the city to the capital, through difficult maze game player. 限制时间90秒,通不过扣除6张卡。淘汰出局。 Limit the time of 90 seconds, pass the deduction of 6 cards. Eliminated. 剩下的玩家可以从省会去北京,玩家通过特别困难的迷宫。 The rest of the game player from the provincial capital Beijing, game player through a particularly difficult maze. 限制时间90秒,通不过淘汰出局。 Time limit of 90 second



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