(精选)外经贸实用英语口语(第二版)lesson 4 factory课件.ppt

(精选)外经贸实用英语口语(第二版)lesson 4 factory课件.ppt

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Lesson 4;Learning Objectives;Conversation A;Notes;waterproof 防水的 fireproof 防火的 quakeproof 防震的 damp proof 防潮的 bulletproof 防弹的;3. rug: 小地毯,尤指卧室里或壁炉边的小地毯 区别: carpet: 比rug 大,是地毯的统称,常用于客厅、楼梯等面积较大的地方。 mat: 垫子,材质不限,不像地毯。比如: play mat (垫在地上给小孩子爬的垫子) cushion: 沙发上的靠枕,或者是坐着的垫子,基本上跟坐着有关的。 ;Conversation C;Notes;2. The output has seen a big rise. 产量有了大幅度提高。 output n. 产量 相关表达: total output value总产量 yearly (annual) output 年产量 raise (increase) production 提高(增加)产量 double the output 产量翻一番,增加一倍 triple the output 产量翻两番,增加两倍;Can you assure us of delivery on time? 你能保证及时交货吗? assure v. 使某人确信,向某人保证 它常有以下用法: 1) assure sb. of sth. We can assure you of our sincerity to cooperate with you. 请相信我们的合作诚意。 2) assure sb. +that 从句 I can assure you that youll get the L/C in time. 我可以向你保证你方将及时得到信用证。;3) be /rest assured of sth. You can be assured of our most prompt attention to your orders. 请放心,我们会及时处理你们的订单。 4) be/rest assured that 从句 Please rest assured that we will provide you with most favorable terms and conditions. 请尽管放心,我们会给你最优惠的条件。 ;4. Though we are heavily committed, all orders, including yours, will be made up before the end of this month. 尽管我们的订单很多,但所有的订单,包括你们的,在本月底前将全部完成。 be heavily committed 订单很多 相关表达: heavy commitments many (crowded) orders many bookings;Exercises;1. Would you like to have a look around our factory? Now you try: 你想喝点咖啡吗? b. 你想看一下我们的展品吗? c. 你想参加今晚的晚宴吗? d. 你想听听我们的工厂介绍吗? Would you like to have some coffee? Would you like to have a look at our exhibits? Would you like to join the party tonight? Would you like to listen to the introduction of our factory? ;;3. Though were heavily committed, all orders, including yours, will be made up before the end of the month. Now you try: a. 我方工厂第三季度的订货已满。 b. 我方收到第89 号货订单太多,故元月前不能装运。 c. 我方工厂最近接到大量挂毯订单,故不能于明年春季前交货。 d. 工厂订货已满,我们只好把订单退回。 a. We are fully committed in the third quarter. b. We have heavy commitments for Art.No.89, so we are not abl


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