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分类号: R318.04 学校代号:10150 UDC: 密级: 学 号硕士学位论文 脑电图数据因子分析的研究 Study on Factor Analysis of EEG Data 论文编号: 学科门类: 工学 专业名称: 计算机应用技术 研究方向: 脑电图数据分析 申请学位级别: 硕士 论文答辩日期: 学位授予单位: 大连交通大学 摘 要 研究意义:人脑是具备多种功能的,因此脑电图数据包含了不同功能所产生多种成分,为了针对各种功能进行分别研究,就需要将不同功能的数据分离开。因子分析是根据不同独立因子生成的信息进行信号分离的,所以对脑电图数据中各种独立成分的分离是有效的。 研究目的:本文通过对客观记录的脑电图数据进行因子分析,将脑电图数据中各种不同成分分离开,为对各种成分分别研究提供基础。 研究方法:通过对实验的脑电图数据进行因子分析,明确因子个数,然后按照因子个数对脑电图数据进行分离,并对分离的各成分进行分析,最后得出各成分的主要特征。在这三个实验中,由于第一个公共因子在所有的因子中 Abstract Study significance: the human brain is a multi-function, the EEG data includes a variety of different functions arising from the composition, in order to research different functions respectively,we need to separate different functions in the data. Factor analysis is based on the signal generated by independent factors to separate, so the EEG data on a variety of independent components of the separation is effective.Although there are other motheds:independent component analysis,principal component separation and so on,for factor analysis is aimed at the separation of signal generated from different factors the EEG data analysis method is more suitable than others. Objective:In this paper, in the context of access to different State of the EEG data factor analysis, in order to the correct understanding of the impact of different State on the brain and the important apartment of the brain that generated different State by the different responses to provide the basic trial basis and theoretical basis. Methods: According factor number to separate EEG Data, finding out the most close Brain electrodes with the first public factor, the different percentage of all kinds of Brain electrodes in histogram, at last getting the percentage in the left and the right brain hemisphere. Results: Under the three situations of music tests、language tests and mental calculation tests , the left brain cortex is related to mental calculati


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