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我们可以发现四级考试作文在话题和提纲形式方面的三个突出特点:   一、写作话题非当前社会热点话题(如:2008年6月前后热点的社会话题应该是奥运会和汶川地震,但四、六级、考研写作话题均未出现);相反,四级考试的话题更多的集中在了次热点话题上(如:英语学习、绿色校园、一次性塑料袋等等均非当年大家特别关心的话题,但是这些话题本身又没有脱离社会和学校的范畴)。   二、写作类型考查以论说文为主(9次)、应用文(2次)为辅,其中尤其需要注意的是在论说文的三种类型中,问题解决型是近来考试的热点(5次)、其次是观点对比型(3次)和现象描述型(1次)。   三、论说文的首个提纲多考查到现象描述能力,即使应用文均考察到了描述或说明类写作能力。如2007年“俱乐部介绍”的写作中要求考生对俱乐部进行英文介绍,本质上与描述现象写法无异;2006年6月(老题型)的首个提纲也不例外。   综合以上分析,考生备考阶段应该重点培养“现象描述”、“原因/问题分析”、“解决措施”和“发表看法”几个重点功能段落的写作能力。   在接下来的几天里,给出的是几个课堂练习实例,请各位同学参考:   1.  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Shopping. You should write no less than 120/150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:   1. 很多人开始在网上购买商品   2.网上购物可能存在的问题   3.我的看法   Online Shopping   首段:3句话= 背景+事实描述+举例说明   The past decade has witnessed the huge advancement of Information Technology (背景描述). And shopping through the Internet has gained great popularity among web suffers(主题事实描述). For instance, it can be noticed that an increasing number of youngsters purchase clothes, books, electrical equipment and the like on Taobao, EBay and Alibaba。(举例法扩展段落) (或:A case in point is the Group Purchasing, which attracts thousands of customers. 举例+定语从句)   2段:问题分析4句话 = 主题句+ 危害1+危害2 +危害总结   In spite of the convenience and low price of this shopping, others argue that we can not turn a blind eye to its negative aspects. Firstly, they point out that the quality may not be as superior as it is described and sometimes, it is possible for customers to buy fake commodities. In addition, many customers find it troublesome to make a change when they are not satisfied. As has been noted, these do exert bad impacts。   尾段:解决措施(即我的看法)3句话 = 总说+建议+展望未来 As a customer, I am convinced that effective measures should be taken to enhance it。(总说看法) To be specific, it is suggested that regulations and rules should be worked out to scrutinize online shop owners. (或者:Specifically, shoppers are well-advised to be alert when p


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