operating a successful restaurant-(运营一个成功的餐厅).pdf

operating a successful restaurant-(运营一个成功的餐厅).pdf

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operating a successful restaurant-(运营一个成功的餐厅)

Running Head: Operating a Successful Restaurant 1 Operating a Successful Restaurant John P. Harrison, B.S. Abstract The purpose of this project was to learn the most important attributes needed to operate a restaurant successfully. Through literary review, five attribute areas where identified as necessary for successful operation. These areas were; restaurant managers needed experience. The food had to be of good quality while following food safety regulations. The menus had to be diverse. Finally, the manager needed both employee retention and customer service skills. The first hypothesis stated a correlation would exist between the success of the restaurant and the practice of these attribute areas. The second hypothesis stated that out of a list of attributes, restaurant managers would identify these primary attributes as most important to the success of the restaurant. A Pearson r correlation was used to test the correlation between restaurant manager practices and their success, while a paired t test was used to test which attributes where viewed as most important for successful operation. The results of these tests were inconclusive. One may infer that the literature should be questioned while others may question the participant’s responses and wish for an older respondent sample. The survey questions may also be questionable due to fact the survey was designed for this project. Exploratory analyses were also preformed and suggestions for future research were included.



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