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论文题目:氮肥生产企业的安全评价与管理 专 业:安全工程 毕 业 生:薛 明 月 (签名) 指导教师:李 莉 (签名) 摘要 装置规模的大型化,生产过程的连续化已经成为化工生产的发展方向,在这个大环境下,安全生产及重大事故后果预测显得举足轻重。近年,我国氮肥生产量逐年上升,但生产中存在着很大的危险性。为了减少事故对人类造成的危害,提高该行业生产的安全系数,本文从西北化工研究院氮肥厂出发,对该行业的安全现状进行了评价与分析。 在氮肥厂的整个生产场所中存在着大量的易燃、易爆、毒性化学品。合成氨中,火灾爆炸是潜在的主要危险。本文将该氮肥生产厂划分为三个大的单元:外部周边环境单元、安全管理单元和工艺流程单元,而工艺流程单元又划分为造气单元、变换单元、合成单元、氨站和气柜五个小单元。运用安全检查表对外部周边环境单元和安全管理单元进行定性评价,由于工艺流程单元存在易燃、易爆及有毒的危险特性,所以运用ICI蒙德法进行定量分析。评价结果表明企业设施与周边建筑物及设施安全生产管理均能够满足安全要求。而工艺流程中,造气单元合成单元均存在着很大的潜在危险,在氨站单元、造气单元、合成单元中主毒性指标都很高,此外,物质一旦泄露,爆炸危险性很大。 文章就以上潜在危险提出了相关的对策和建议,包括:对安全阀、压力表、报警器等进行法定检测;制定和更新安全设施及特种设备管理制度;完善与维护现有的安全生产条件;对主要装置设施进行保养;相对的加大安全投入等。 关 键 字:氮肥厂,液氨,安全评价,蒙德法 论文类型:应用研究 Subject: The Safety Evaluation and Management of Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Enterprises Specialty : Safety Engineering Name : Xue Mingyue (Signature) Instructor : Li Li (Signature) Abstract In recent years, the enlargement of device-scale and the continuity of manufacturing process have become the development orientation of chemical industries; therefore the safety and the consequences prediction of major accidents are more and more important. Further more, the nitrogen fertilizer production in our country has been increasing year by year, so there is a considerable risk in the production process. In order to reduce the harm caused by accidents, the article took the fertilizer plant of the Northwest Chemical as an example, evaluated and analyzed the safety situation of the chemical industry. There are a lot of inflammable, explosive, toxic chemicals in the whole production sites of nitrogen fertilizer plant. Fire and explosion is the main risk in the system during synthetic ammonia. This paper divides the nitrogen fertilizer plant into three major units: the external surrounding environment, safety management and production process, while the production process also could be divide


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