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Abstract: Based on the comprehensive analysis on the plastic part’s structure service requirement, mounding quality and mould menu factoring cost. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed. By adopting the multi-direction and multi-combination core-pulling. A corresponding injection mould of internal side core pulling was designed, the working process of the mould was introduced was used to evaluate the dynamic amplification factor for the structure, which was later used in the ultimate strength evaluation. Theoretical shear force due to test truck The theoretical static shear force (without dynamic load allowance, DLA) due to the MTO test truck at the east support location of girder 3 was calculated to be 181 kN. However, due to uncertainties in (a) the exact location of the traffic lane markings with respect to the supporting gird- Published by NRC Research Press Au et al. 419 Fig. 2. Bridge instrumentation details: (a) plan and (b) girder 3 at the support. ers and (b) the position of the test truck within the travelled lane, it is reasonable to assume that the path of the test truck could vary slightly from the theoretical position. To gauge the sensitivity of the load effects due to the assumed test truck position on the deck, two other theoretical truck load positions representing possible extreme positions of the truck were analysed. These were



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