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(小学) Helping tourists 观澜街道中心小学 五年级 英语 蔡贵珠 小学英语任务型教学活动案例 Book 8 Unit8 Helping tourists 一 简介 1 任务型活动课的话题为: helping tourists 2 Function: talk about how to help tourists Language: Which bus goes to the airport, please? Bus NO. 106 goes to the… Turn left/ right at the… Go straight down…...street. Vocabulary: The Airport, Chinese Art Museum, Longhua Temple.. Classroom English : Free talk, listen and answer, do a survey. 二 学生分析 本次任务型教学授课的对象是四年级的学生。该年龄阶段的学生具有很强的求知欲和好奇心,因此具有强烈的表现欲,教师应抓住学生这一心理,使学生的学习成为一种令人愉快、充满趣味、富有吸引力的活动。要求学生具备一定的知识和技能,能够熟练地表达想要去的地方,如何问路指路, 在图片和多媒体课件的帮助下能听懂,读准英语单词和句子。在教师的引导下能做一系列任务活动。 三 教材分析 本课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书第八册Unit 8, Part B1教材以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生完成有实际目的的语言任务,培养学习的兴趣,发挥学生的主动性。这是一篇贴切学生日常生活的课文,问路指路在生活中经常遇到碰到的事情,抓住这点,设计一系列任务活动激发学生的兴趣,让学生学习英语的同时,用英语解决实际生活中的问题。 四 核心任务设计 Teaching Aims: 1 Knowledge Aims: 1) To enable the pupils to understand and speak: “Which bus goes to the Airport?” “Bus No. 106 goes to …” “ Where is the bus stop ?” “ It’s over there, on the right .” 2) To complete the dialogue. 3) To help the pupils to finish the survey. 4) Let the pupils finish the assessment of this lesson. 2 Technical ability aims: 1) To develop pupil’s abilities of listening, speaking and writing. 2) To train the pupil’s ability of working in pairs. 3) To foster pupil’s abilities of communication and their innovation Key points of this lesson 1) To help the pupils ask and answer questions : “Which bus…?” “Bus No. …” 2) To help the pupils talk about the pictures. 3) To enable the pupils to make sentences by themselves. 4) To develop pupil’s interest in English. Difficult points of this lesson 1) To use the sentences skillfully. 2) To finish the task by themselves. Studying ways 1) To teach the pupils how to be a successful language learner. 2) To guide the pupils to master the sentences and use them according to the situation. 3) To encourage pupils to use the key words and the sentences in their daily life after class


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