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XXXX公司ERP实施研究摘要ERP(企业资源计划)系统是一种先进的管理理念,利用现代先进的信息网络系统,全面而有效整合企业内外资源,将企业的物流、信息流和现金流等业务进行一体化的整合管理,提高了企业的响应速度和供应链的增值,显著增强企业的工作效率和经营水平,提高企业的经济效益,并在激烈的市场竞争中占据有利地位,该系统正受到国内越来越多的企业的关注。本文以XXXX公司(以下简称“XXXX公司”)为研究对象,对该企业ERP系统的实施进行了研究。研究主要分为五个部分:第一部分为绪论,阐述了选题背景、意义以及论文的整体结构;第二部分对ERP的概念、发展历史、核心思想以及在企业管理中的作用进行系统的介绍;第三部分对企业存在问题进行分析、企业对ERP系统的需求以及必要性分析;第四部分对企业的ERP实施组织建设及针对企业的需求进行ERP系统的选型、实施过程、实施计划大纲、实施效果进行了研究,找出实施过程中的关键因素;第五部分是对实施过程中的风险进行识别、控制分析。关键词XXXX公司/ERP/风险识别XXXX CO., LTD THEIMPLEMENTATION OFERP RESEARCHAbstractERP (enterprise resource planning) system is an advanced management concept, the use of modern advanced information network system, it integrates the external and internal resources of the management effectively, the interation management of the logistics, information flow and cash flow of the Enterprise improve the corporate response,obviously improve and the business effciency and operational levels, improving the business economic benefits, and make the corporation in the fierce market competition, the system is concerned by more and more enterprises.IN this paper, China Nickel Resources HoldingsXXXX Co., Ltd.( hereinafter referred to as XXXX) is the research object, the implemenntation of the enterprise ERP system is studied. This contents are divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, this paper expounds the background, significance and topic selection of the structure; the second part of the concepts, development of ERP history, the core idea of the in enterprise management, and the role of the system is introduced; the third part of the enterprise in problem analysis, research enterprisesthe demand and necessity of the ERP system analysis;organization building and for the needs of the enterprise ERP system selection and implementation process, implementation plan outline, the implementation of the effects of study to find out the implementation process of the ERP implementationa key factor;the fifth part is in the process of implementation of risk


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