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单位代码 学 号 分 类 号 密 级 毕业 基于通信的多路控制系统的设计 院(系)名称 信息工程学院 专业名称 学生姓名 指导教师 201年月日 基于通信的多路控制系统的设计摘 要 近几年来,全球通信技术的发展日新月异,尤其是近两三年来,无线通信技术的发展速度与应用领域已经超过了固定通信技术,呈现出如火如荼的发展态势。其中最具代表性的有蜂窝移动通信、宽带无线接入,也包括集群通信、卫星通信,以及手机视频业务与技术。目前业界正在研究面向未来第四代移动通信的技术;宽带无线接入也在全球不断升温,我国的宽带无线用户数增长势头强劲。 本文介绍一种四路无线电遥控的设计方法,详细阐述电路组成结构和工作原理。该方法采用芯片组 PT2262/2272进行编解码 ,PT2262与无线发射模块HS101连接构成遥控发射系统,PT2272与无线接收模块 HS201连接构成接收系统。该系统通过发射接收无线电波实现开关的无线遥控。其装置具有体积小、功耗低、成本低,遥控距离可达100m以上 。 PT2262/2272 On the basis of the design of the control system of many ways of wireless communication Author : Tutor : Abstract In recent years, the development of global communication has changed with each passing day, especially nearly two has been over the past three years,development speed and application of wireless communication have already exceeded fixed communication, demonstrate the developing state like a raging fire. The most representative among them mobile communication of honeycombs, broadband are inserted wirelessly, include communication of cluster, satellite communication, and video business of the mobile phone and technology too. Technology of the fourth generation of mobile communication that studying and facing the future in industry at present; Broadband is inserted wirelessly and intensified in the whole world constantly too, the wireless number of users of broadband of our country is powerful in growth. This text introduce a four No. radio design method of remote control switch, explain the circuit makes up structure and operation principle in detail. This method adopts the group PT2262/2272 of the chip to carry on the compiled code, PT2262 and module HS101 of wireless transmission connect and form and launch the system remotely, PT2272 and module HS201 of wireless receiving join and form th


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