樊苏老师托福听力PPT (场景篇)文档.ppt

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樊苏老师托福听力PPT (场景篇)文档

美国历史专题American history 1 farming 农业 2 transport 交通 3 constitution 宪法 4 civil war 内战 纵向历史事件 1.殖民地时期(1607-1753) 2.Independence War (1754-1783) 3.组成新政府 (1784—1819) 4.向西扩张 (1820—1869) 5.南北冲突 (1850~1869) 6.工业化 (1870—1916) 7. 一战 1st World War 1914 8.世界新地位 (1917—1929) 9. 经济萧条Great Depression 农业 The history of corn Kernel 粒 Silk 穗 Shoot 芽 Husk 皮 交通 sailing ship Baron 商业巨头 Wooden sailing ship 木帆船 Clipper ship 快速帆船 Freight train 货运列车 Constitution 宪法 Democracy 民主 Private property 私人财产 Trade barriers 贸易壁垒 Civil war内战 Rebellion 叛乱 Democracy 民主 Domestic foes 国内敌人 Longman complete test 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 5.Lecture American History 纵向比较: chronological Topic: last monarch to rule Hawaiian Details: 1. Captain James Cook Gave the name Earl of Sandwich 2. King Kamehameha Uniting the Hawaiian Islands 3. Queen Liliuokalani---the final monarch Monarch 君主 Democratic government 民主的政府 Reinstitute 重新建立 Institute n.学院 vt.创立 Pension 退休金 Royal throne 皇冠 摘自文中介绍三个人的句型 So, first of all, let’s talk about Captain James Cook. The next person we’re going to look at is King Kamehameha. Kamehameha spend… Now, we’ll discuss Queen Liliuokalani, the last monarch of Hawaii…… Longman complete test 2-2 6 7 8 9 10 11 2. Lecture- government Topic : how Washington . D.C unusual Details: 1, unusual –should not be part of any state (previously belong to Virginia ) 2, unusual --- not a self-governing city (could not elect their own government , no representation to vote) (didn’t until 1974) 词汇 Differentiate 区别, 区分 Eligible adj.符合条件的, 合格的 Ineligible adj.不合格的 背景补充 美利坚合众国 The United States of America 总统 President 副总统 Vice- President 国会 Congress 参议院


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