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1.The old man lives alone, but he doesn’t feel ___(孤独的)because he has many friends. 2.Peter is much ___ (tall) than Kitty. 3.Sandy was ____ (happy) because she failed in the maths exam yesterday . Congratuations! Level one 练习 : 请说出下列句子中形容词的用法 1.All the students must keep their eyes closed. 2.This red desk is very heavy. 3.It’s a hot day today. 4.I find it difficult to get along with such a strange man. 5. Her singing sounds beautiful. 注意 1.形容词修饰名词要前置,修饰不定代词时要后 置. 如: an important meeting something important 2.表示人的性质、特征的形容词前加定冠词the 可表示一类人. 如:The rich should help the poor. The young should be polite to the old. 4 请记住这些连系动词: be,keep,seem,look,smell,feel, taste,sound,turn,become,get 1.No matter where we are, we should do something ____. (use) (07Yangzhou) Congratuations! Level two 汉译英 北京和上海一样美. 北京没有上海大. 吉姆和汤姆一样高. 他没有汤姆聪明. 4 too +形容词原形+to do Tom is too young to go to school. 太…以至于不能… 5 so +形容词原形+that English is so important that we should learn it well. 2.Daniel is ___to help his friends at all times. A. kindly enough B. enough kindly C. Kind enough D. enough kind 比较级的用法 练习 汉译英 1. 他越忙越快乐。 ________ he is, ________ he is. 2. 越便宜越好。 ____________ ,___________. 3. 天气越来越冷了。 The weather is getting ______________ . 4. 足球越来越受欢迎了. Football is ____________________ . 5. 李梅是两个当中更高的女孩. Li Mei is ________ of the two girls. 6. 黄河是中国第二长河. The Yellow River is ______________ in China. 注意: 修饰形容词比较级的副词和短语有哪些? 1.比较时,为避免重复,可用哪些词代替? 有什么规律? 2.比较范围中的“包括”与“不包括”指的是什么? 练习 汉译英 1. 他越忙越快乐。 ________ he is, ________ he is. 2. 越便宜越好。 ____________ ,___________. 3. 天气越来越冷了。 The weather is getting ______________ . 1.Winter is ____ ( cold) than autumn.(06Harbin) 2.It is said that this river is much _____ (deep) than that one.(06Wuxi) 3.Our country is b



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