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* * 比热:单位质量的某种物质升高1度吸收的热量; 焦耳:牛顿和焦耳都是导出单位,不是基本单位,一牛顿的力就是能使一千克的物体产生一米每二次方秒的加速度的力,一牛顿的力使物体产生一米的位移做的功就是一焦耳。 * * 100度的蒸汽比100度的水烫伤更厉害 Now also compare the BIER or resistometer cycle to a typical hospital prevacuum cycle that may have anywhere from a 5-10 minute come up time. The point of all this is that sterilization indicators are tested and documented in resistometers (per standards requirements) with precise but different conditions than those in which the indicators are typically used, and, this can have a very great impact on how these indicators perform in actual hospital cycles because there is lethality in the come-up times of these sterilizers. Now also compare the BIER or resistometer cycle to a typical hospital prevacuum cycle that may have anywhere from a 5-10 minute come up time. The point of all this is that sterilization indicators are tested and documented in resistometers (per standards requirements) with precise but different conditions than those in which the indicators are typically used, and, this can have a very great impact on how these indicators perform in actual hospital cycles because there is lethality in the come-up times of these sterilizers. Now also compare the BIER or resistometer cycle to a typical hospital prevacuum cycle that may have anywhere from a 5-10 minute come up time. The point of all this is that sterilization indicators are tested and documented in resistometers (per standards requirements) with precise but different conditions than those in which the indicators are typically used, and, this can have a very great impact on how these indicators perform in actual hospital cycles because there is lethality in the come-up times of these sterilizers. 压力蒸气灭菌应注意的几个问题 6、严格执行操作规范:关好柜门,检查安全阀后再通蒸气,开或关蒸气控制阀动作要轻,要经常清洗阻气器上的水垢,防止排气不畅快,灭菌结束时,降压不要过快,未降到零位时不得打开柜门,以防危险;定期检修设备,按规定进行效果监测。 * 病人的安全 保障病人的安全, 永远是工作的第一目标和首要职责。 进行有效的感染控制才能保障病人的安全 物品灭菌处理流程完善(压力蒸气灭菌是保障灭菌效果的最主要的措施之一) * 诊疗器械、器具和物品处理的操作流程 (灭菌) 压力蒸汽灭菌 1压力蒸汽灭菌适用于耐


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