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GM Report DEC初稿

Monthly General Manager’s Report 总经理月度报告 Month月份: December Property酒店名称: Landison Hotel Nantong Dated提交日: 12 Rooms Performance in (Nov) vs. Competitor Hotels 竞争酒店11月份的客房经营情况 Hotel Name Occ. 入住率 ARR 平均房价 Total Available Room Revenue Zhongtian Huanghai Hotel 中天黄海大酒店 9% 252 4,560 1034000 Jinge Island Spa Resorts 金蛤岛温泉度假村 40% 280 2,400 268800 Landison Hotel Nantong 雷迪森 15.39% 440.71 3209 217700 General Market Overview and Intelligence 市场情况概述及行业信息 Through three months’ analysis, the guests are mainly divided into four fields, 80% are from government, 8% are public intuitions’, corporate takes up 8%, and the remaining 4% are walk-in customers. However, the government’s spending is only 40% out of their whole catering consumption, the portion is even lower among the enterprises’ spending, only about 10%. The on-line booking and travel agency’s contract are delayed by the sufficient some certificates. 通过三个月的分析,来酒店消费的客户,政府类占80%以上,事业单位约8%,企业单位约8%,商务散客约4%。但是,政府部门在本酒店的消费仅占他们总体消费40%左右,企事业单位则更低,约占他们整体消费的10%,网络订房及旅行社则因为相关证件未到而无法开展。 According to the latest information, the potential strongest competitor will be open on Jan 18, the contract price is RMB348/per room (including breakfast) 根据最新信息,另一家具备实力的对手海州大酒店本月18日开业,房间最低协议价约为:348元/间(含早) Hotel Performance Overview 酒店整体经营情况概述 The main task of this month is finishing the inspection of fire control facilities, and making adjustment and modification according to the test. Besides, some projects such as fitness center and chess room are speeding up to open, and the remaining engineering problems need to be followed up and fixed. Based on those reasons, the hotel still does not meet the requirements of normal running. 本月酒店的主要任务是完成消防检测,并对检测后需要整改的地方及时做出调整;另外,工程还有一些项目比如康乐中心正在加速完工以及一些遗留的工程问题需要跟进解决;因此,酒店还没有达到正常开业要求。The tickets of the Christmas Event were sold out; however, some of them were purchased by the suppliers. During the Christmas Event, the FB area is the first time fully loaded, all facilities and e


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