London as a financial centre 作为金融中心的伦敦.doc

London as a financial centre 作为金融中心的伦敦.doc

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London as a financial centre 作为金融中心的伦敦

London as a financial centre 作为金融中心的伦敦 Banged about 震荡在即 In the 25 years since Big Bang, the mood in the City has changed from optimism to anxiety. Can it recover? 在金融大震荡之后的二十五年中,金融城的情绪从乐观转为忧虑。它能恢复乐观吗? A SHORT walk east from the Bank of England’s building on Threadneedle Street takes you to the Broadgate shops-and-offices complex, built in the 1980s on the edge of the City, London’s main financial district. The shifting architecture on the journey traces the changes wrought by “Big Bang”, a set of new rules for the financial-services industry that came into force 25 years ago, on October 27th 1986. 从位于针线街Threadneedle Street上的英格兰央行建筑向东走不远,就是伦敦主要金融地区——金融城——边缘的宽大门Broadgate,它建于20世纪80年代,是一个集商店与办公室于一身的建筑群。沿途建筑风格的变化反映了“金融大震荡”——25年前,1986年10月27日,一套应用于金融服务业的新规则开始使用——所带来的变化。 The stone-clad buildings on the mazy streets and narrow lanes around the old Stock Exchange on Throgmorton Street, close to the Bank, housed the British firms that carved up London’s stockbroking and trading until the Big Bang reforms. The buildings are rarely more than five storeys high and are tightly packed, befitting an industry that was once close-knit and small-scale. Walking east, the streets widen and the buildings become larger and newer. These house some of the big investment banks, usually foreign-owned, which trade shares, bonds, currencies and derivatives on a scale that would have made an old-school City gent choke on his lunch. 距离英格兰央行不远,在围绕斯洛格摩顿街Throgmorton Street旧证券交易所的那些迷宫般的街道与窄巷上的石顶建筑,就是在金融大震荡改革之前瓜分伦敦股票经纪与交易的英国公司所在地。这些建筑排列紧密,很少有超过五层的,很适于过去那种彼此联系紧密的小规模产业。继续向东走去,街道变宽了,建筑物也变得更大、更新了。这是一些通常由外国人拥有的大型投资银行的所在地,它们做股票、债券、货币和金融衍工具交易,其规模之大可以让一个老派金融城交易员在吃午饭时喘不过气来。 These one-stop financial shops with vast trading floors are one legacy of Big Bang (the demise of the leisurely lunch is another). Foreign banks took advantage of the opening up of stockbroking to outsiders to establish a presence in London’s fast-growing financial centre. That influx of capital pushed up wages and, together wit



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