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//红色字体是我加上去的注释,以下五个有下划线的是成功驱动力测试之前的基本情况填写,每次填好一个后记得按“save and continue”键继续: Contact Information Education Resume / Attachments Questionnaire Confirmation Summary 一、Contact Information 窗体顶端 Loading... Contact Information Personal Information Please enter all relevant personal information in the fields below. (//未打*的都是不必须填的) Email Address (Help) First Name(s) Family / Last Name(s) Middle Name Street Address (Line 1) Street Address (Line 2) City Zip/Postal Code Place of Residence Country/Region State/Province/Region City/Region (or, nearest city within same State/Province/Region) Home Phone (Include Country Number) Work Phone (Include Country Number) Mobile Phone (Include Country Number) Country / Region(s) of Citizenship(s): Do NOT answer this question if you are a resident of or applying to Canada. Date of Availability 二、Education //Education部分好填,内容少,只是在选择学校和专业时需要在他们的列表中选,会费些功夫三、Resume / Attachments //这一部分需要作两件事,一是在那块大块空白的文字框里写上自己的简历(至少我是这么理解的),推荐用PG的Text Resume Builder(点help键),否则直接从简历文档中粘贴过来的话很烦,格式都变了。 Multiple selectionsTo (de)select multiple options using a PC, hold down the Ctrl key and click all relevant values (for Mac, use the Command key). Resume / Attachments Resume You can provide a plain text version of your resume in the text field below. Type your resume directly in the text area or paste a copy from an original file. If you paste the resume, please note that the original formatting will be modified. HELP - Click here if you would like to view instructions on how to copy and paste your document in this text box OR would like to use our Text Resume Builder. Plain Text Resume Attachments You can attach files to the candidate record (e.g.: cover letter, resume, references, transcripts, etc.). Once a file is attached, you can overwrite it by attaching a file with exactly the same name and extension. Select the file to attach Comments about the file The attachment will be scanned to ensure it does not contain any viruses. This section displa


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