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本科毕业论文 外文文献及译文 文献、资料题目:Rural and Urban Land Development and Land Tenure Systems: A Comparison between South A 文献、资料来源: 网络 文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2000.8 院 (部): 管理工程学院 专 业: 土地资源管理 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 外文文献:  RURAL AND URBAN LAND DEVELOPMENT AND LAND TENURE SYSTEMS: A COMPARISON BETWEEN SOUTH AFRICA AND BOTS Susan Bouillon Legal Advisor: City Council of Pretoria INTRODUCTION Franklin D. Roosevelt once said that ‘Every person who invests in land near a growing city, adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for land is the basis of wealth.’ The purpose of this paper is to discuss the rural and urban land development and land tenure systems of South Africa and Botswana, and to explain their contributions to urban sustainability. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING IN BOTSWANA Botswana is located at the centre of the South African plateau, and is bordered by South Africa on the south and southeast, Zimbabwe on the northeast and Namibia on the west and northwest. Approximately 23% of the population is in urban areas and 77% in rural areas. Botswana has a rich tribal culture, and therefore it is not surprising that the Botswana legal system consists of local tribal courts, which adjudicate traditional matters and Tribal Land Boards, which rule on land use matters in tribal lands and traditional villages. Town Councils rule on land use matters in urban areas. The government of Botswana has adopted a system of development planning which has coped relatively well compared with other African countries. Development planning involves the preparation of land use plans for both urban and rural areas. The practice in Botswana is that the public is made aware of the implications of land use plans before land is zoned for various uses. Public awareness and participation is ensured by giving land users an opportunity to select preferred land use options from a range of options determined through th


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