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基于JSP的玩具网站开发与设计 摘 要 本课题采用JSP技术生成前台的显示页面,使用mysql为后台数据库服务器,运用面向对象的设计思想进行开发实现B/S系统。在internet上实现商品的展示、商品的检索、商品的订购、订单的全程跟踪与管理的购物系统网上购物系统是电子商务的一种重要形式绍了购物车的项目背景和意义,着重阐述了数据库设计和与订单相关的功能的实现;从系统的需求分析、模块设计、数据库设计到模块实现等各个环节都进行了详尽的分析和描述。 The Development and Design of Toy-selling Website Based on JSP ABSTRACT On this project, JSP technology has been used to generate the display of front pages, using mysql as the backend database server, object-oriented design is used to develop and achieve B / S system. In the internet to achieve the display of goods, merchandise search, product ordering, order tracking and management online toy-selling system. Online shopping system is an important form of e-commerce, but also we need to study this major problem. The online shopping cart system design and practice is the key to the development of its technologies to run one. In this project I mainly introduce in the shopping cart system, the project background and significance, focusing on the database design and functionality with the implementation of orders related; from the system requirements analysis, module design, database design, and other links to the module, a detailed analysis and description has been conducted. Its basic features include user login screen, once users log in the system, they can type to view products, shopping cart contents, order products, display operations such as purchase orders to delete the specified purchase order. Secondly, created a new display module, so users through it quickly to find the aspect of the new goods, speed up information transmission. Thus, users are provided with a convenient and official shopping environment. KEY WORDS: hopping cart system,E-commerce 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 引言 1 1.1 项目开发的背景 1 1.2 项目开发的目的 1 1.3 项目开发的目标 1 1.4 项目开发的方法 1 2 系统分析 3 2.1 系统的设计思想 3 2.2 可行性分析 3 2.2.1 经济可行性 3 2.2.2 技术可行性 4 2.2.3 法律可行性 4 2.2.4 运行可行性 4 2.2.5 时机可行性 4 2.3 需求分析 4 2.3.1 系统需求分析 5 2.3.2 功能需求分析 5 3 系统开发和技术 6 3.1 开发工具及运行环境的搭建 6 3.1.1 服务器配置 6 3.1.2 JDK的安装与环境


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