仁爱英语八年级下Unit 8 Topic 1 SectionA.ppt

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仁爱英语八年级下Unit 8 Topic 1 SectionA

Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic2 Different jobs require different uniforms. Section A 赤峰市翁牛特旗梧桐花中学 赵亚平 Beautiful or ugly? What ...made of? What size? What color ? * * Why do they need to wear uniforms? Because suitable uniforms can show good discipline. * Can Miss Wang allow her students to design their own uniforms? Yes, she can. Listen and answer * 1a Look, listen and say Miss Wang: Boys and girls, our school plans to make uniforms for you. Jane: Kangkang, can you tell me what Miss Wang says? Kangkang: She says that our school plans to make uniforms for us. Maria: I like to wear my own clothes because school uniforms will look ugly on us. Michael: Not really. It depends on who will design our uniforms. Jane: I think our school should allow us to design our own uniforms. Kangkang: Good idea! It’s true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline. Miss Wang: I agree with you. You’d better make a survey about styles of uniforms. Then you can design your own uniforms, and you’ll be glad to wear them. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 * Key words of 1a W: make uniforms J: Miss Wang says? K: She says... Ma: look ugly on us Mi: depend on, design J: allow, design our own uniforms K: show good discipline W: agree with, make a survey, be glad to * 1b Pair work After class, Jane, Kangkang, Maria and Michael are discussing how to design their school uniforms. Look at the picture carefully, and make similar conversations after the example. Example: A: What does Maria ask? B: She asks what materials they should choose. What color do we want? What style do we like? Where can we make them? What materials should we choose? * 3 Pair work Make conversations after the example. You may use the phrases in the box. Example: A: Can you tell me what Jane’s father should wear at


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