
Introduction to the Study of Child Adolescent :对儿童及青少年的研究介绍.ppt

Introduction to the Study of Child Adolescent :对儿童及青少年的研究介绍.ppt

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Introduction to the Study of Child Adolescent :对儿童及青少年的研究介绍

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Other Factors Affecting the Brain During Adolescence Hormones Pruning of serotonin circuits may lead to an increase in impulsivity Common maladaptive behaviors of adolescence, which also contribute to impairment in judgment: Less sleep Caffeine use etc So, how do we know when there is a problem? or How do we know when a problem demands treatment? What’s in a Diagnosis? How does a diagnosis help you? How would you develop a diagnostic system? The Broken Arm Nosology DSM-I (1952) All “disorders of psychogenic origin or without clearly defined physical cause” were considered “reactions” Schizophrenic reaction Antisocial reaction Psychoneurotic reactions included: Anxiety reaction, Dissociative reaction, Conversion reaction, Phobic reaction, Obsessive compulsive reaction, Depressive reaction Following upon Freud’s emphasis on the importance of mastering anxieties generated by characteristic conflicts at identifiable stages of psychosexual development (and attributing psychopathology to failure to resolve these conflicts), it was implied in the DSM-I, if not specifically stated, that anxiety was at the core of all diagnoses DSM-II (1968) Provided brief descriptions of characteristic signs and symptoms of the disorders but no criteria as such In 1973, during the 6th printing of the DSM-II, homosexuality was finally removed DSM-III (1980) A similar approach to the DSM-II was followed here; but now diagnostic criteria for the various disorders were provided Better inter-rater reliability and evidence of predictive reliability Specified a group of disorders as “usually first evident in infancy, childhood, or adolescence” Reactive attachment disorder, separation anxiety disorder, overanxious disorder, and avoidant disorder Additionally, the anxiety diagnoses applicable to adults were available for diagnosing children DSM-III-R (1987) Both the DSM-III and the DSM-III-R were criticized by some research


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