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外文文献翻译 原文及译文 (本文档归max118网hh2018所有,仅供下载使用) 标题:Regulation by contract: Overseeing PPPs 作者:Rui Cunha Marques 期刊:Utilities Policy 年份:2017 字数:译文6000多字 原文 Regulation by contract: Overseeing PPPs Rui Cunha Marques 1 Introduction Public-private partnership (PPPs) arrangements are increasingly adopted to develop infrastructure and provide public services (Hodge and Greve, 2007). Whatever the nature of the project and wherever it is carried out, this option is always available. In fact, PPP projects might offer several benefits and provide value for money if conveniently developed (Yescombe, 2007). The strong points of this procurement model can be observed in the different stages of the project. In the project preparation before the public tender stage, PPPs demand studies that improve the knowledge and quality of the project, which often are not carried out in traditional public procurement (public works). PPPs embrace a lifecycle approach that reduces the lifecycle costs of the project and allows better planning, work programming and fair and reasonable risk sharing, minimizing a projects economic cost (Marques and Berg, 2011). In the public tender stage, PPP projects are usually competitive and can reduce the possibility of overprofits or excessive rents. Most of the public tenders comprise several competitive stages, including a negotiation stage and a best and final offer (BAFO) with one or two competitors, thus stimulating the competition between them. Additionally, the know-how and innovation that characterize private companies are encouraged, resulting in cheaper and better proposals and in a greater value for money of the PPP project (Siemiatycki and Farooqi, 2012). Finally, at the contract execution stage, the private sector continues to innovate and use its know-how to comply with and exceed the targets defined in the contract (Yuan and Zhang, 2016). As a rule, the contract pays per performance (output-oriented approach instead of input-oriented as is common in


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