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外文文献翻译 原文及译文 (本文档归max118网hh2018所有,仅供下载使用) 标题:The role of urban green space for human well-being(城市绿地对人类幸福的作用) 作者:Christine Bertrama, Katrin Rehdanz 期刊:Ecological Economics,卷:120, 页码:139-152 年份:2015 字数:译文6900多字 原文 The role of urban green space for human well-being Christine Bertrama, Katrin Rehdanz Abstract Most people in Europe live in urban environments. For these people, urban green space is an important element of well-being, but it is often in short supply. We use self-reported information on life satisfaction and two individual green space measures to explore how urban green space affects the well-being of the residents of Berlin, the capital city of Germany. We combine spatially explicit survey data with spatially highly disaggregated GIS data on urban green space. We observe a significant, inverted U-shaped effect of the amount of and distance to urban green space on life satisfaction. According to our results, the amount of green space in a 1?km buffer that leads to the largest positive effect on life satisfaction is 35?ha or 11% of the buffer area. In our sample, 75% of the respondents have less green space available. Keywords: Human well-being, Life satisfaction, Urban green space 1.?Introduction Approximately 75% of the people in Europe live in urban areas (World Bank, 2013). One important element for their well-being and quality of life is the availability of urban green space. There are different ways in which urban green space can positively influence well-being and health (see?Tzoulas et al. (2007)?for an overview). Benefits can accrue from increased activity levels as a result of being in contact with nature (see?Bowler et al. (2010)?for a review). Further benefits are brought about by the moderation of adverse environmental conditions such as air pollution, high temperatures, and noise (e.g.?Gidl?f-Gunnarsson and ?hrstr?m, 2007). However, in most urban areas, and particularly in inner-city areas, green spaces are in insufficient supply (Kabisch an


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