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目 录 摘要 1 1 绩效管理的涵义、目的及作用 4 1.1 绩效管理的涵义 4 1.2 绩效管理的目的 4 1.3 绩效管理的作用 4 2 新征途基本情况 5 3 新征途绩效管理的现状 5 4 新征途绩效管理中绩效考核的方法 6 5 新征途绩效管理存在的主要问题 7 5.1 将绩效考核与绩效管理混为一谈 8 5.2 缺乏科学的绩效指标体系 8 5.3 缺乏日常有效的绩效指导与反馈 9 5.4 实施中人员的问题 9 6 对策 9 6.1 建立科学的绩效管理指标体系 10 6.1.1 树立科学的绩效评估指导思想 10 6.1.2 建立符合实际的评估指标体系 10 6.2 全员参与充分沟通 10 6.3 绩效管理应着眼于提高主管者的科学管理水平 11 6.3.1准确地选择和组合考评技术和方法 12 6.3.2 对考评者进行技能培训与开发 12 6.3.3 确保绩效管理的公平性和公正性 12 7 结论 12 谢 辞 13 参考文献 14 探析新征途实施绩效管理存在的问题及对策 摘要:随着人力资源管理理念的深入, 绩效管理也越来越引起人们的重视,人们逐步意识到员工对企业的价值,并努力使员工对企业的贡献达到最大化。本文通过我在乌鲁木齐新征途汽车销售服务有限公司(以下简称新征途)两个月的实习,将实习中所了解的新征途的绩效管理的实际情况结合学校 所学的知识,系统的阐述了企业中绩效管理的现状和存在的问题,并且针对这些问题,借鉴国内外的先进经验,提出建立有效的绩效管理与改善绩效管理体系的对策和建议。 关键词:绩效管理;问题;对策 Analysis of Chinas enterprises to implement the Performance Management Problems and Solutions ________ Urumqi journey to the new car sales Services Limited as an example Abstract: Performance Management is to help enterprises maintain and enhance productivity and achieve business goals one of the most effective means. As the human resources management concept in-depth, performance management, more and arouse peoples attention, people gradually realized the value of employees of enterprises, and strive to make the staff of the enterprises to maximize the contribution. However, the performance management in the actual operation of the process of exposing a lot of imperfections, for example, because of assessment criteria is not clear, the lack of effective guidance and feedback of performance and other reasons which led performance management failure, and so on. This paper Urumqi new journey auto sales Services Limited (hereinafter referred to the new journey) performance management of the actual situation, the system described in the enterprise performance management and the status of the existing problems and solve these problems, learn from the advanced experiences at home and abroad, and proposed the establishment of Effective performance management and performance management system to improve the measures


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