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浅析我国中小企业网络营销的发展及对策 姓名:于振铎 学号:103317 班级:软件S101 摘要网络营销作为一种新的营方式,给企业发展带来了新的机遇与挑战。本文分析了我国中小企业开展网络营销的外部环境因素,在此基础上提出了中小企业开展网络营的战略对策。随着信息化浪潮的来临,企业的生存竞争空间正逐步从传统市场转向网络市场,企业的营销方式也从传统的市场营销转向网络营销。网络营销是企业营销实践与计算机技术、网络技术、现代信息通讯技术相结合的产物,是指企业以电子信息技术为基础,以计算机网络为媒介和手段而进行的各种营销活动。目前,网络营销在世界范围内蓬勃发展,它不仅大大提高了企业的营销效率,节省了大量管理费用,还为企业提供了虚拟的全球性贸易环境,开辟了新的市场空间。更重要的是它缩小了大型企业和中小企业之间市场地位的差距,为中小企业提供了与大型企业同台竞争的机会。关词中小企业 网络营Keyword:SMEs Network Marketing Abstract Network Marketing as a new business quiet way, to bring new business development opportunities and challenges. This paper analyzes the quiet of SME network operators to carry out the external environmental factors, in small and medium enterprises based on the tip of the network operators to carry out strategic response. With the coming wave of information technology, business competition for survival space is gradually shifted from the traditional market network market, the companys marketing approach has shifted from the traditional marketing network marketing. Network marketing is the practice of corporate marketing and computer technology, network technology, modern information and communication technology product of the combination, refers to electronic information technology, computer network for the media and the means to conduct various marketing activities. Currently, the network marketing in the world to flourish, it is not only greatly increased the companys marketing efficiency, saves a lot of administrative costs, but also provides businesses with a virtual environment for global trade, opened up a new market space. More importantly, it reduces the large companies and SMEs the gap between the market position, providing SMEs with large enterprises on the same stage with the chance to compete. 一、中小企业开展网络营销的外部环境分析   1、网络市场规模总体偏低 ??? 中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC )2008年1月发布的《第21次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截止2007年12月31日,我国网民总人数达到2.1亿人,居世界第二,CNNIC预计在2008年初中国将成为全球网民规模最大的国家。尽管网民数的增长使得互联网普及率提高至16%,但仍低于19.1%的全球平均水平。2007年12月,中国网民网络购物比例是22.1%,购物人数规模达到4640万,而美国2006


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