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摘 要 二元分割的社会体制,造成了中国社会保障体系的二元分割,加之城乡经济发展差距较大,农村的社会保障体系一直处于不健全状态。为此,2009年,国务院决定开展新型农村社会养老保险(以下简称新农保)试点, Dualistic social system, resulting in dual Social Security System division, coupled with a big gap between urban and rural economic development, rural social security system has been in a unhealthy state. To this end, in 2009, the State Council decided to launch the new rural social pension insurance (hereinafter referred to as the new farmers insurance) pilot, the new farmers insurance in the country started to implement. Lushan County, Henan Province, the first as a new farmers insurance in 21 pilot counties, the new rural social pension insurance for the management of universal, to study some of the problems existing in the management of the entire Central Plains region and the whole of Chinas new rural social pension insurance Management of the development of standardization has a positive reference and demonstration effect. This theory, the author of Lushan County, farmers insurance regulatory agencies in-depth survey and found that their management policies that exist in some, such as deviations from the number of people, low efficiency and so on, and learn from professional knowledge, to combine old-age insurance in rural areas Management status of some practical insights and strategies to manage the new farmers insurance benefit for future development. Key words: the new rural social pension insurance, management, promotion management 目录 第一章绪论 5 一、选题背景和选题意义 5 (一)选题背景 5 (二)选题意义 5 二、研究的目的及意义 6 (一)研究的目的 6 (二)研究的意义 6 三、国内外研究现状 6 (一)国外研究现状 6 (二)国内研究现状 7 四、研究重点难点和思路方法 8 (一)研究重点难点 8 (二)研究思路 8 (三)研究方法 8 五、论文的创新点和不足之处 9 (一)本文可能的创新之处 9 (二)本文的不足之处 9 第二章关于新型农村社会养老保险及鲁山县相关情况 10 一、新型农村社会养老保险的涵义 10 二、新型农村社会养老保险的起源 10 三、新型农村社会养老保险的基本原则 11 四、新型农村社会养老保险管理的含义 12 五、鲁山县基本情况 13 (一)地理位置状况 13 (二)气候矿产状况 13 (三)耕地状况 13 (四)交通状况 13 (五)经济发展状况 13 六、鲁山县新型农村社会养老保险开展情况 14 第三章鲁山县新型农村社会养老保险的管理中存在的问题及影响 16 一、政策在贯彻执行过程的管理中存在的问题 16 (一)政策偏离 16 (二)政策不能很好的结合本地实际 16 二、人员、组织管理中存在的问题 17 (一)基层社会保障管理部门专


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