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Summary The method of separating the variables: (1) Separation of variables. (2) Solve the eigenvalue problem. (3) Solve the remaining ODE. (4) Superposite and determine the coefficients. The method of separating variables on finite region Chapter 5 5.1 Some reviews 5.2 Separating variable method 5.1 Some reviews Second order ODEs Consider the second order ODE of the special form Suppose that the roots of the quadratic equation are r1 and r2. (1) If r1 ≠r2 are two real numbers , then the general solution for the ODE is (1’) If r1 =a+ib, r2=a-ib, then the general solution for the ODE can be also written as (2) If r1 = r2= r, the general solution for the ODE is As an application, the general solution for the ODE is And the general solution for the ODE is 2. Fourier series Suppose that f is continuous on [-l,l], then its Fourier series expansion is where If f is only defined on [0,l], then its Fourier cosine series expansion is where and its Fourier sine series expansion is where which belongs to one type among the following normal types: hyperbolic type, parabolic type, elliptic type. Q? u(x,y)=X(x)Y(y) 5.2 Separating variable method 1 Separation of variables for wave equation 2 Separation of variables for heat equation 3 Separation of variable for Laplace equation 4 Separation of variable for the problem of beam oscillation 5 Separation of variable for the equation of Helmholz Eample: mixed problem on string oscillation 设柔软细弦的长为 ,两端固定,弦的线密度为 ,忽略自身的重力作用。给定弦的初始位移和速度,则细弦作自由振动的定解问题归结为: (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) (1.4) (1.5) 1.Separation of variables for wave equation Solution Let PDE ODE (1.4),(1.5) Step1 Separate variables Step2 Solve the eigenvalue problem (i) (ii) (iii) if Step3 Solve the ODE about T(t): General solution Step4 Linear superposition Basis: Hence, the solution to this problem is where an and bn are defined as above. Step5 Determine the coefficients an and bn by the initial condition 2. Separation of varia


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