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绗?9 鍗 绗? 鏈 鎺 鍒 涓 鍐 绛 2014 骞 3 鏈
Vol. 29 No. 3 Control and Decision Mar. 2014
鏂囩珷缂栧彿: 1001-0920 (2014) 03-0546-05 DOI: 10.13195/j.kzyjc.2012.1790
鐜嬭穬閽? 鏉ㄥ鑳
鎽 瑕? 閽堝鎹疯仈鎯(SINS) 鏅冨姩鍩哄骇涓? SINS 闅句互蹇€熷疄鐜拌嚜瀵瑰噯鐨勯棶棰? 鎻愬嚭SINS 鐨勬姉骞叉壈鑷鍑嗙畻娉? 璇ョ畻
娉曢€氳繃灏嗗垵濮嬪鍑嗛棶棰樿浆鍖栦负Wahba 姹傝В闂鏉ユ秷闄よ杩愬姩骞叉壈鐨勫奖鍝岥 鍒╃敤鎯€у潗鏍囩郴閲嶅姏鐭㈤噺鍜屾檭鍔ㄥ共鎵板姞閫
搴︾殑棰戠巼鐗圭偣, 閫氳繃璁捐浣庨€氭护娉㈠櫒瀵规瘮鍔涘湪鎯€у潗鏍囦笅鐨勬姇褰辫繘琛屾护娉㈡潵娑堥櫎绾挎尟鍔ㄥ共鎵扮殑褰卞搷. 浠跨湡缁撴灉琛ㄦ槑,
璇ョ畻娉曚笉闇€瑕佽繘琛岀矖瀵瑰噯, 鑳藉鍦ㄨ杩愬姩骞叉壈鍜岀嚎鎸姩骞叉壈鍚屾椂瀛樺湪鐨勬儏鍐典笅蹇€熷疄鐜拌嚜瀵瑰噯.
鍏抽敭璇岤 鎯绯荤粺锛涙檭鍔ㄥ熀搴э紱鑷鍑嗭紱鎶楀共鎵
涓浘鍒嗙被鍙耳 V249.3 鏂囩尞鏍囧織鐮? A
SINS anti-interference self-alignment algorithm for the swaying base
WANG Yue-gang, YANG Jia-sheng
(Department of Automatic Control Engineering锛孴he Second Artillery Engineering University 锛孹i鈥檃n 710025 锛孋hina.
Correspondent 锛歒ANG Jia-sheng 锛孍-mail 锛)
Abstract: The conventional methods are dif铿乧ult to achieve alignment rapidly when the strapdown inertial navigation
system(SINS) under swaying base. Therefore, an anti-interference self-alignment algorithm for the swaying base is presented,
which transforms the alignment problem into the Wahba problem to remove the angular interrupting, and uses the low-pass
铿乴ter to 铿乴ter the special force in inertial reference frame to remove the linear vibration interrupting according to the different
frequency characteristics of gravity vector in inertial reference frame and the disturbance. The simulation results show that the
presented method can accomplish alignment quickly even in the presence of angular motion and linear vibration interference
without the coarse alignment process.
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