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Period 5 for unit 19 2. He _____ his clothes and went out. A. put on B. had on C. dressed D. was wearing 3. The boy is old enough to _____ himself. A. put on B. have on C. wear D. dress 4. He denied _____ me he _____ me! A. telling; told B. telling; had told C. to tell; told D. to tell; had told 5. When the workers went to ask for high pay, they were _____. A. refused B. turned up C. turned down D. Both A and C 7. After the merchants ships were all lost at sea, he was _____. A. heavy in debt B. in heavy debts C. heavy in debts D. in heavy debt 8. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _____ in making the earth a better place to live on. A. to have played B. to play C. to be played D. to be playing 9. They were lost at sea, _____ the mercy of wind and weather. A. in B. at C. without D. on 10. The employers should have mercy on the employees. That is to say, the employers should be _____ them. A. merciful to B. merciful on C. mercy to D. mercifully to 12. She _____ him never to lie to him again. A. hoped B. told C. expected D. promised 13. A fat person has a great deal of _____. A. meat B. flesh C. muscles D. pork 15. You may have these bananas, but one_____. A. at a time B. at one time C. at time D. at times 16. Its (high) time I _____ to pick up my little girl from school. A. go B. am going C. went D. should go 18. She will be here to give you help _____ necessary. A. though B. as C. while D. when 19. I _____ you a pleasant journey. A. desire B. expect C. hope D. wish 20. The teacher desired that the students _____ their exercises before school was over. A. should hand B. handed in C. should hand in D. should be handed in 21. Shortly after we _____, a waiter came over to our table with a smile. A. seated B. were seated C. sat ourselves D. take place 25. I wish that you _____ with me tomorrow. A. will go B. had gone C. would go D. were 26. The chairman declared the meeting _____ in the end. A. closed B. op


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