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Nano-Initiative – Action Plan 2010 Part of the High-Tech-Strategy Started November 2006 Joint initiative of 8 ministries Details at www.bmbf.de/en/nanotechnologie * Actual Forecasting Process: nanoDE-Report New Company Questionnaire (much shorter than 2003) 334 Responses (39 %) 234 active Companies (2003: 105) Preliminary Evaluation expected for 1/2009 Results for - number, age, size,structure - number of employees - business field - nanotechnology activity - position in value-added-chain - target markets - turnover (global, nano part) Thanks for listening * * 2 * NanoFab steht bereits beispielhaft dafür, wie gezielte Innovationsf?rderung Wachstum und Besch?ftigung schafft. In der Region Dresden entsteht eine der modernsten Elektronik-Produktionsst?tten in Europa. * 5 Nanotechnology Forecasting in Germany Dr. Gerd Bachmann VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Düsseldorf, Germany Rusnanoforum 2008 5.12.2008 Some Aspects of Integrated Technological Management For companies Reasonable cost Competitive Acceptable Adaptable to existing situations For society Social Ecological Cultural Macro-economic TF for Industry (shorter-term) TF for Public Authorities (longer-term) also marketable Problem solving Technology Forecasting for Industry versus Technology Forecasting for Society Congresses Literature International Investigation Europe USA South East Asia New Patents Bibliography Expert Discussions Questionaires Funding Activities VALUATION of a technological Field RESULTS/KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER IDENTIFICATION of a technological Field Experts Instruments Patent Data Technology Analyses Action Recommendations Publications Workshops Informal Infos (Ind., Sci., PT) Funding Actions Industrial Projects Around 1990: Starting Platform of nanotechnological Interest Feynman 1959 Taneguchi 1974 NION starting 1988 Aono Atomcraft Project Yoshida Nanomechanism Project Hayashi Ultra Fine Particle Project Tonomura Electron Wavefront Project F


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