
房屋地产论文 建筑论文 发展战略 制度化.doc

房屋地产论文 建筑论文 发展战略 制度化.doc

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房屋地产论文 建筑论文 发展战略 制度化

我国中小型房地产企业发展战略研究改革开放以来,房地产企业因其关联度高、带动性强,对国民经济贡献大的特点,成为我国社会主义市场经济的基本支撑点,其中星罗棋布的中小房地产企业对于改善居住条件、增加就业、促进国民经济发展、减弱经济波动起到重要的作用。随着中国房地产业竞争的加剧,房地产开发“大盘时代”的来临以及国资木市场的逐步成熟,将导致房地产开发企业向规模化、制度化、差别化、品牌化、战略化方向发展。中小型房地产企业如何在激烈的竞争中生存,如何发展壮大是直接关系着我国房地产行业整体竞争能力提升的关键问题。所以研究我国中小型房地产企业的发展战略具有现实意义。第一章:绪论:主要包括研究背景,目的和意义以及研究思路。第二章:我国中小型房地产企业发展外部环境分析。宏观环境分析;行业分析;竞争对手分析;机遇和挑战分析。第三章:我国中小型房地产企业发展内部环境分析。内部优劣势、机遇和挑战分析。第四章:我国中小型房地产企业发展战略选择及实施房地产制度化发展战略Subject :Chinas small and medium enterprise development strategy of the real estate Abstract Since reform and opening, the real estate business because of its association with high, driving strong, large contributions to the characteristics of the national economy has become Chinas socialist market economy, basic support and the spread of small and medium real estate companies in which to improve their living conditions,. As competition intensifies in China real estate, real estate development tape Age and the state-owned timber market gradually matures, will lead to large-scale real estate development enterprises, institutionalization, differentiation, branding and strategic direction . How small and medium real estate companies to survive in the fierce competition, how to grow and develop is directly related to the overall competitiveness of Chinas real estate industry to enhance the key issues. Therefore, small and medium real estate companies of Chinas development strategy has practical significance. Chapter One: Introduction: including background, purpose and significance, and research ideas. Chapter II: the development of small and medium real estate companies of the external environment. Macro-environmental analysis; industry analysis; competitor analysis; opportunities and challenges analysis. Chapter III: Development of small and medium real estate companies within the environmental analysis. Internal strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges analysis. Chapter IV: Development of small and medium real estate companies and im


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